Chapter 3 - OOTP

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"Hello Harry, I see you've met my mother" Sirius said from the doorway, Katherine shot him a look that clearly says, 'I'm going to burn her portrait if it happens again', Katherine slipped passed and curled up on George's lap. Drowning out the rest of the conversation she closed her eyes. George gently rubbed her back whilst whispering sweet nothings in her ear to calm her down, he noted she seemed more agitated than normal.

"Do you want to go back upstairs so you can lay down?" George asked quietly in her ear, just as she nodded but Molly called the twins to help her carry dinner in, so she climbed of Georges knee and sat in her own chair, leaning against Lupin.

"What's Kat doing here anyway?" Harry asked with a slight bitter tone.

"I'm in the Order" she stated flatly letting out a yawn at the end.

"So I can't know anything because I'm still too young and still in school, but Katherine can even though she's still in school?" Harry asked. The room fell silent, as an awkward air enveloped it.

"I'm not in school anymore, I'm a danger to the other students" Katherine spat out. The whole situation made her angry, and it wasn't particularly Harry's fault, but she was angry. "Trust me, id rather not know and be in school" Katherine said coldly before leaving the room, Lupin let out a heavy sigh.

"What's up with her? At least she knows what's been going on?!" Harry practically shouted at Sirius and Lupin.

"Harry understand where Katherine is coming from, she has just had everything ripped away from her, she wont be able to see George as often, or Fred, or Hermione. She cant go out because the Ministry want to induct her for Auror training right away so they can control her. She has spent so many years hating herself and believing she was dangerous for someone to then verify them fears. She is sought out as a weapon for You-Know-Who and she was abused for so many years, her parents left her to-" Lupin started but Katherine came back into the room and cut him off.

"That's enough dad, there is only a few select people who know that, and Harry does not need to be one of them" Katherine said sharply, causing Lupin to nod his head.

"I'm sorry sweetheart" Lupin said sincerely, Katherine just nodded and went to turn around before Lupin stopped her, "come and have some food and then you can go and hide in your room, alright?" Lupin asked. She just nodded and took her seat next to Lupin, suddenly they heard Molly's shrieks.

"Fred, George, NO JUST CARRY THEM!" Molly bellowed, Katherine looked up and dived away from the table, pulling Lupin with her as Mundungus, Harry and Sirius also moved out the way as the cauldron filled with hot stew came skidding down the table, the flagon of Butterbeer dropped and spilled everywhere but the knife from the breadboard slipped off and landed point down where Sirius's had used to be. Katherine looked up and noticed Molly still shouting at the twins, which caused Katherine to let out a small growl. Everyone looked in her direction before George noticed what was going on and scooped her into his arms and headed out the door and up to her room.

"I'm sorry for growling at your mum, it's just neither Athena or Elise liked you being shouted at and I've been so on edge lately with all the meetings and stuff, bloody hell I feel awful" Katherine rushed out at George as he gently placed her on the bed.

"Kat it's alright, mums fine, everyone knows how you get with me, and I'll be honest, it's a very attractive sound" George whispers the last part in her ear, causing her to bite her lip.

"What do you say, should we finish what we started before?" Katherine asked, looking up at George through her eyelashes.

"That sounds excellent" George replied before placing kisses down her neck whilst muttering a locking and silencing charm at the door.

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