Chapter 12

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"What are you going to do, Kill me, Harry?" Sirius stared up at Harry, he had a black eye forming and had a bleeding nose, but his eyes never left Harry.

"You killed my parents" Katherine started to take slow steps towards Harry, she would not let him kill a man and get himself sent to Azkaban.

"I don't deny it" Sirius's voice barely higher than a whisper, "But if you knew the whole story-"Katherine cut him off with a sharp laugh.

"You killed his parents, what more is there to the story" Sirius turned his gaze to her, "You sold them out to Voldemort, their best friend, a traitor" Sirius began shaking his head as Katherine came to a stop beside Harry.

"You've got to listen to me" He had become more urgent, but the two teenagers still didn't move," You'll regret it if you don't, you don't understand".

"I understand a lot better than you think" Katherine could feel Harry's fury, it was rolling off him in waves. "You never heard her, did you? My mum...trying to stop Voldemort from killing me, and you did that, you did it" Katherine's heart broke for Harry, but before anyone else spoke, Crookshanks jumped up and settled himself of Sirius's chest.

"Get off" he tried to push the cat off, but Crookshanks sank his claws into his robes and tuned his squashed face and big yellow eyes onto Harry.

"Hermione, just so you know, you cat is a traitor" Katherine glanced over her shoulder at Hermione, who gave a dry sob. Katherine took the silence to check on Ron, who was considerably more pale than when he came in. She noticed that his leg was broken, Sirius must have done it. She snapped her head towards the door, someone was coming. "Hermione there's someone coming" she hissed.

"WE'RE UP HERE" she started yelling, ignoring the glare from Katherine, "WE'RE UP HERE, SIRIUS BLACK, QUICK" Black made a sudden movement, Harry still kept his wand pointed at him, but Katherine knew he wasn't going to kill him, the footsteps got quicker. Katherine got hold of Hermione and pushed her towards Ron as she stood in front of them.

"Expelliarmus" Harry's wand shot out of his hand, and there in the doorway stood Professor Lupin. "Where is he Sirius" Katherine's fury ignited stronger than ever, a man she trusted, Harry and trusted, had betrayed them all. Sirius raised his hand a pointed towards Ron, it was then Lupin took note of Katherine, he saw the purple eyes but the thing that startled him the most was the 15-foot wings beating occasionally behind her. Seeming to remember what he was doing he turned back to Sirius. "But then...why hasn't he shown himself before now.... unless...unless he was the one" His eyes widened as he continued to stare at Sirius, "unless you switched without telling me" Black slowly nodded at Lupins words. Harry began to ask what was going on when the two men embraced like brothers, Harry started to back up and when he was close enough Katherine pulled him behind her and let out an earth shanking growl.

"We trusted you Lupin" Katherine crouched down, ready to strike if she needed to, "I bet you've been helping him into the castle, haven't you? Me and Hermione have been covering for you, and you in turn have been helping him to try and kill Harry" Hermione sobbed behind Katherine, Harry and Ron still in silence.

"I trusted you! And all this time you've been his friend!" Harry bellowed.

"Your wrong Katherine, Harry, I haven't been his friend for twelve years, but I am now, let me explain" She growled again and took a step forward.

"NO, Harry don't trust him, he's been helping black into the castle, he wants you dead too, he's a werewolf" Hermione cried out, she couldn't see either of her friends hurt, especially Katherine, she was her best friend.

"Not at all up to your usual standards Hermione, only one out of the three I'm afraid" he took a deep breath, "I have not been helping Sirius into the castle and I certainly don't want Harry dead" He took another breath, "But I won't deny that I am a werewolf" Ron made a move to get up, however fell back down, as lupin took a step towards him, Katherine took a step towards Lupin, causing Sirius to jump in the middle.

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