Chapter 10

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Katherine ran down to the pitch. Closely followed by Ron and Hermione, she launched herself at George and Fred, they caught he, all of them laughing.

"I'm so proud of you guys!" She hugged them even tighter before letting them put he down.

"Thanks Kat, though I think McGonagall is the happiest of them all!" The three looked over at McGonagall who was sobbing so hard, they then looked at Oliver who was sobbing just as hard on Harry. They walked over to them both.

"Congratulations Harry, Oliver" they both looked up and Katherine.

"Thanks Kat, I would hug you but- "Harry gestured to how Oliver was sobbing on his shoulder.

"Its okay, ill hug you later when were back in Gryffindor tower, I need to go check on Minnie" She waved at the boys and headed towards Professor McGonagall. "Congratulations Minnie, you've got the house cup!" McGonagall began sobbing again but still patted the girl on the shoulder.

"Thank you dear, now if you will excuse me, I have some gloating to do" As she walked off everyone pulled Katherine into the Group hug.

"Party in Gryffindor Tower!!" Bellowed Fred and everyone began to head off that way. "Wait for us Kat, we won't be long" Katherine nodded her head and stood outside the changing rooms waiting for the boys, and at that moment, any worry or fear she ever had, simply just disappeared.


Exams, that was the current situation in Katherine's life. No one had seen her, apart from Hermione, but its only because they were in the library together every waking moment. Hermione's exam timetable was worse than hers, so she couldn't imagine how Hermione felt. However right now they were in the common room. Her and Ron had been discussing her exam timetable.

"Has anyone seen my copy of Numerology and Grammatica?" Katherine was helping her search through the books and parchment when they head a tap at the window. "It's Hedwig" Hermione opened the window so Hedwig could fly in. The owl then perched herself on Harry's shoulder whilst Harry tore open the note.

"Its from Hagrid, Buckbeak's appeal, its set for the sixth." Harry looked up at the group.

"That's the day we finish our exams" Hermione stated, Katherine hummed her agreement.

"And They're coming here to do it, someone from the ministry of magic and the executioner" Everyone's heads snapped to Harry. Katherine was livid.

"That sounds like they've already made up their minds!" She stood up, pacing the floor.

"Yeah, it does" Harry stared down at the note.

"No, I cannot sit around and do nothing, I'm going to go speak to Dumbledore" and before anyone could stop her, she disappeared out of the portrait hole. Marching up to the gargoyle outside Dumbledores office, she practically shouted the password at the poor thing, it leapt aside to allow her access. No matter how angry she was, she was still polite and waited to be granted entry into the headmaster's office.

"Come in" She opened the door, Dumbledore smiled at her, but quickly realised she wasn't her usual self. "My dear Miss Willow, whatever is the matter?" Katherine started pacing again. She knew she couldn't shout at Dumbledore; it wasn't his fault.

"Buckbeak" that's all she spoke for a moment, "They can't kill him Professor, he didn't do anything wrong, this is bloody Draco Malfoys fault" Dumbledore let Katherine have a moment of frustration. He could understand why she was upset, according to Hagrid, Katherine had a love for all magical creatures. "I should go give him a piece of my mind, I swear to merlin, isn't there anything you can do professor?" She turned to face him, he could see the desperation in his eyes, just like she could see the answer clear in his. "They really have already decided haven't they" He just solemnly nodded and with that she rushed out of his office and back to the common room.

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