Chapter 11 - OOTP

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Katherine woke up to the sound of the front door being closed. Heaving out a sigh she climbed out of bed and headed downstairs.

"Uncle Siri?" Katherine called out, pushing open he dining room door she sighed as she saw Sirius's head come around the kitchen door.

"How are you feeling little one?" Sirius asked walking over and handing her a cup of coffee.

"I'm alright I think, Athena said I was just tired and needed sleep. I probably haven't had enough but the front door being slammed woke me up. Have they all gone to the hospital?" Katherine asked before taking a sip of her coffee.

"Yeah, just left, they wont be back for a few hours. So until then it's just you and me" Sirius says patting her gently on the head making her laugh, at that moment the door swung open revealing Lupin.

"Dad!" Katherine shouted and bolted around the table jumping at Lupin who had barely enough time to catch her.

"Hello Little Dragon" Lupin laughed as he wrapped his arms around his daughter. "Where is everyone?" Lupin asked as Katherine pulled away and went back to her coffee.

"Visiting Arthur, me and Uncle Siri aren't allowed to go" Katherine said quietly.

"You know why though don't you?" Sirius asked to which Katherine just sighed and nodded.

"Besides, I have you two to keep me company now so at least I wont be bored" Katherine said smiling.

"Good cause the first thing we are doing is making chocolate cake" Sirius exclaimed before rushing into the kitchen with Lupin and Katherine following close behind.


A few hours later everyone came piling back into the dining room to see Katherine, Lupin and Sirius all laughing so hard they had tears running down their faces.

"What's going on?" Molly asked causing the three to snap their heads to the door.

"Oh Molly, we didn't see you there, don't mind us, we were just telling Katherine stories of the pranks we pulled in school" Sirius said before he and Katherine locked eyes once more and fell into another fit of laughter. Everyone looked amused apart from Harry, he was upset that Katherine was so close to Sirius, but he also couldn't blame her since they are stuck together every day.

"Can I ask you and Katherine a question?" Harry asked Sirius, sitting down next to him.

"Of course" Sirius said patting Katherines hand that was on the table.

"Do you think that you and Katherine would be as close as you are if she didn't have to leave Hogwarts?" Harry asked looking between the two. The smile on Katherines face faded before she shook her head and sat back in her seat.

"Actually yeah I do. You see Harry, I care for Katherine as if she was my own daughter. Both of us have pretty similar backgrounds when it comes to family, so I understand her on a level not many others can" Sirius said simply. Katherine flashed him a small smile before leaning her head on his shoulder. "I know she has Moony, but she's also helped me a lot as well, she's kept me from going insane and she keeps me happy whilst I'm worrying about you" Sirius finished looking at Harry.

"I'm glad you have someone here with you Sirius" Harry said smiling at his godfather.

"As soon as my names cleared I still want you to move in with me" Sirius said looking at Harry directly. Katherine took this as her sign to move and she headed over to the twins and Molly.

"So how's Arthur Molly?" Katherine asked.

"He's going to be just fine Katherine dear. Though there is something I need to talk to you, your dad and Sirius about, can you get both of them for me?" Molly asked and Katherine nodded before heading over to her dad and Sirius.

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