Chapter 12 - OOTP

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Christmas morning everyone was up and ran to the drawing room where the Christmas tree was, the only people absent were Sirius and Katherine, who were both nursing hangovers in the dining room drinking coffee.

"Right come on you two, upstairs it's time for presents" Molly said in a cheery voice, both Katherine and Sirius nodded before shuffling off to the drawing room. Walking in Katherine immediately took a set next to George slowly sipping her coffee before it was taken from her hands and presents were placed in front of her. Opening them she got a new pair of converse from Sirius, a hand knitted jumper from Molly and Arthur, sweets from Harry and Ron, a wolf charm for her bracelet from Fred, some new hair accessories from Ginny, a couple of journals from Mad-eye Moody which surprised her, from George he got her some new framed pictures of the two of them and then came Lupins present. Looking at the rectangular present she slowly opened it, and teas immediately started falling.

"Adoption papers? Are you sure you want me to officially be you daughter?" Katherine choked out.

"Of course, I could think of nothing better, as you are now legally an adult you don't need your biological parents signatures either, just yours" Lupin said looking down at Katherine.

"Has anyone got a quill and some ink?" Katherine asked, Hemione appeared not even a second later holding a quill and ink. Katherine took a deep breath before signing her name on the papers. "All you need to do is send them off now" Katherine said as she handed the papers back to her dad. Lupin nodded before he sealed the papers and sent them off with an owl.

"Merry Christmas little Lupin" Sirius said sniffling.

"Uncle Siri are you crying?" Katherine asked giggling at him.

"No, I don't know what you mean" Sirius sniffled again before bursting into tears and hugging both Katherine and Lupin, "I'm just so happy for you guys". Katherine burst out laughing whilst rubbing Sirius's back.

Katherine bought Hermione a well being journal so she doesn't get too overwhelmed with everything she's doing, Ron got Zonko's products, Harry got sweets, Ginny got the hair care set she's been after, Fred got a muggle book of 101 best pranking ideas, Molly got some new recipe books that she has been wanting, Arthur got a lot of muggle stationary that Katherine knew he would love though he hasn't been able to open them yet, Sirius got some new records, Lupin got a photo album filled with memories of him, Katherine and Sirius. There was even some pictures of him, Sirius and James Potter. She was nervous to give George his present, as she passed it him her hands were shaking. George slowly opened the present before a small gasp left his lips.

"It's a promise ring, typically boys usually give girls one, but I've never been one to conform to societal norms, but I've been a little insecure being so far away from you, so I got this for you" Katherine said quietly, the room had fell silent as they all waited for Georges reaction, he took it out the box and slid it onto his finger before pulling Katherine in for a soft kiss.

"It is perfect my darling" George whispered into her hair, and she stayed sat against him.

"Oh and its charmed so that the only time it comes off is if you want to take it off. If you don't want it off it wont come off" Katherine said quietly so only George could hear.

"Good" He simply said before kissing the top of he head. "I do need you to come with me though" George whispered before pulling her along to her bedroom, gently ushering her into the room he closed the door behind them.

"Georgie, what's going on?" Katherine asked turning to look at him, he was stood behind her with a small box in his hands.

"This is a present I wanted to give you in private" he said opening the box and in it sat a beautiful infinity ring, "this is my promise to you Katherine Lupin, that one day you will be Katherine Weasley" George said looking at her with a shy smile.

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