Chapter 6

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A few days later, Katherine, the twins and lee headed into DADA, upon entering the fell into fits of laughter. The class was stood around confused. They couldn't take their seats because the twins and Katherine had charmed all of the furniture to stick to the roof.

"Come on everyone take your seats" Lupin then looked up and noticed all of the furniture on the roof. "Well, I wonder how they got up there" he glanced around the room and noticed the four students wheezing with laughter at the back of the crowd. "Mister Weasleys, Mr Jordan and Miss Willow, please see me after class" The four sobered up pretty quickly, and with a flick of his wand, all the furniture floated down. Everyone took their seats and listened as Professor Lupin started his lesson. As lesson ended the four made their way to the front of the classroom.

"I was wondering if any of you had an idea of how my furniture got onto the roof" the boys glanced between each other. Before looking at Katherine.

"It was me sir" Everyone was silent, as Katherine held her breath. It would be worth the punishment if she can get the twins out of it.

"Really, well congratulations on a job well done" The four burst out laughing.

"It wasn't just Katherine sir" George wasn't going to let her take all the credit. Though he was grateful that she had tried to get him and Fred out of trouble.

"I assumed as much, well, as much as I enjoyed it, please can we keep my furniture on the ground in future" He gave a small chuckle and looked at the four who were nodding vigorously.

"We will, Professor, promise" Katherine laughed as she pulled the boys along, who in turn pulled lee along. As soon as they were out of the classroom, they fell about laughing again. They ran off towards the greenhouses for their Herbology lesson.


A few weeks later, everyone is buzzing as Christmas is approaching. That and the Gryffindors were happy as Ravenclaw had beaten Hufflepuff, so Gryffindor were back in the running for winning the quidditch cup. Another Hogsmeade visit had also been announced and Katherine had decided to go to this one, as it was the last visit before Christmas a week later and Katherine needed to get Christmas gifts. Her, George and Fred were going to meet Lee there.

The day of the Hogsmeade trip, Harry had said goodbye to Hermione and Ron and was walking along the third-floor corridor.

"Psst- Harry" Harry looked around and spotted the twins and Katherine peering around the one-eyed witch statue.

"What are you doing? How come your not going to Hogsmeade" Harry asked also hiding behind the statue.

We've come to give you a bit of festive cheer before we go" Fred pulled him from behind the statue and the four of them headed into an empty classroom.

"What's this supposed to be?" Harry asked as Fred handed him what looked to be a blanket bit of parchment.

This Harry is the secret to our success" George replied.

"it's a wrench giving it to, but last night, we decided that you needs are greater than ours" Katherine hummed along to Doris Day, waiting for the twins to finish so they could head to Hogsmeade.

"Anyway, we know it off by heart" George placed his arm around Katherine's shoulder, who in turn blushed furiously but smiled all the same. "We bequeath it to you; we don't really need it anymore. Especially with our Kat here having super hearing" Katherine elbowed George in the side. "Okay, sorry Kat".

"And what do I need with a bit of old parchment?" Harry asked.

"A bit of old parchment!" said Fred, holding his hand above his heart as though Harry had just stabbed him." Explain George."

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