Chapter 10

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Katherine had been hanging around the common room with the golden trio, who were whispering quietly about something. Katherine could find out if she wanted to but chose to respect their privacy, however as she glanced over her shoulder she noticed the twins huddling in a corner.

"My Darling Georgie, Fred, what are you doing?" Both of them jumped in their spots at Katherines presence.

"Merlin Kat, get a bloody bell" Fred snapped, earning a glare from both Katherine and George. "Sorry Kat, I didn't mean to snap at you" Fred apologised.

"It's alright Freddie, now what's going on and let me help" she asked standing beside the table before George pulled her down to sit on his lap.

"Ludo Bagman paid us with Leprechaun gold and now he's ignoring our letters" Fred sighed at the end of it.

"Let me write to him, or at least let me try" She offered and both of them perked up a little.

"Would you?" Fred asked, to which she just nodded and gabbed an empty piece of parchment, dipped he quill in the ink and started writing,

Dear Ludo,

I hear that you have been conning people. Again. Now two of those people are very close to me and I do not appreciate that they have fallen victim to your schemes. Fix it.

Katherine Willow

"Send it out first thing in the morning boys" Katherine said as she sealed the letter.

"Thanks KitKat" George kissed her cheek and chuckled as she blushed furiously.

"Yeah, we really appreciate it, he's been avoiding us" Fred stated, as they moved to the sofas.

"Who's been avoiding you" Ron said as he sat down next to George before Katherine could, which made the girl sigh heavily and look at George, who again just pulled he onto his lap. "Can you guys not be like that next to me please?" Ron asked pretending to gag.

"Number one. It isn't you business who's avoiding them and number two, I would have sat next to him like a normal person but since you decided to jump in my grave before I had the chance to pass away, then I am going to use my boyfriend as a seat" Katherine shrugged before passing George a piece of chocolate.

"What is that supposed to mean?" Ron asked.

"What the jumping in my grave phrase? It's a muggle phrase, it means you jumped in my spot too quickly" Katherine said innocently whilst eating her chocolate.

"You two thought anymore about the Tournament yet? Thought anymore about trying to enter?" Harry asked and Katherine tensed up, she didn't want the twins to enter if she was being honest. "What about you Kat, your old enough?" Harry asked her she just shook her head and carried on eating her chocolate quietly.

"I asked McGonagall how the champions were chosen but she wasn't telling" George spat bitterly, "She just told me to shut up and get on with transfiguring my racoon, and besides Dumbledore told Katherine not to enter" George added, rubbing Katherines back.

"Why did he tell you not to enter?" Ron asked.

"Because number one I would have an unfair advantage and number 2 it would be extremely dangerous for me, and the others involved" Katherine muttered.

"Why would you have an unfair advantage?" Ron asked completely oblivious.

"Ron leave it alone" Hermione whispered to him seeing how Katherine was beginning to get uncomfortable, Ron was the only one out of the six of them that didn't know she was a shifter, well not a full shifter anyway.

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