Chapter 2

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A short while later the arguing between Molly and the twins had stopped so Katherine and Charlie headed back to the house. They walked into the kitchen as Harry, Hermione, Ron and Ginny came down the stairs.

"Do you want any help, Molly?" Katherine asked just loud enough for everyone to hear.

"No dear, we are eating out in the garden today, Charlie can you help Bill with the tables, there's just not enough room for 12 people in here, oh and girls could you take the plates." Katherine, Ginny and Hermione grabbed the plates and followed Charlie and Bill who were levitating the tables whilst attempting to knock the other one's table out of the air. The twins were cheering, Katherine and Ginny were laughing, and Hermione looked like she might be confused about whether she's amused or anxious. Then Bill's table caught Charlie's with a loud bang which caused the leg to come off, which made Katherine laugh harder. Suddenly Percy's head appeared out of his window.

"Will you keep it down!" he yelled at the group below.

"Sorry Perce, how are the cauldron bottoms coming on?" Bill asked with a grin.

"Very badly" Percy replied following it up with slamming the window closed again. Everyone was laughing again as Bill and Charlie fixed the table leg and carefully placed them on the ground, Katherine, Hermione and Ginny placed the plates down. Katherine turned to the twins and despite the smiles on their faces Katherine could see how upset they still were, heading over she stood beside George.

"You guys alright?" She looked up at the twins as she asked.

"Yeah Kat, we're alright, we've gotten used to it at this point. Mum burned all our order forms the other day". Fred sighed and George placed his arm around her shoulders.

"But its okay because we're just going to make some more and hide them better" George added.

"Good cause I cant have my favourite boys feeling beaten down" She grinned up at them as they both smiled at her. "Now lets sit down cause dinners about to start and I'm starving". She ran off towards the table and sat down next to Charlie, George sat next to her, and Fred sat next to George. Soon enough dinner was in full swing, and the evening air was filled with Chatter and laughter.


"Come on girls, its time to get up" Molly gently shook all the girls awake, "Katherine, Hermione, when your ready will you please go and wake up the boys" She asked.

"Of course, Molly" Katherine replied, sending a kind smile towards the older woman. Getting up she pulled out the clothes she was wearing, just a simple light blue pair of jeans, tank top and a large jumper over the top and a pair of converse on her feet. Sweeping into the boys' room she tiptoed over to Fred, gently shaking him awake before moving to George. "Georgie, its time to get up" She placed her hand on his shoulder, getting a grunt in return letting her know he was awake. She went to take her hand away before George seized her wrist and pulled her onto the bed next to him, pulling her back against his front and trapping her in a cuddle, she laughed quietly. "Georgie, you need to get up my love". He just groaned and held her a little tighter we suddenly a pillow came flying out of nowhere and hit them both on the head.

"George get up and let Kat go, we need to get changed" Ron groaned. Reluctantly George let Katherine go and she skipped out of the room telling the boys that breakfast would be ready soon and headed down the stairs. Mr Weasley was sat at the table checking the tickets as Katherine sat beside him.

"Good morning" he jumped slightly at Katherines voice.

"Good morning, Katherine, are you excited?" she nodded whilst thanking Molly for the tea she had placed in front of her.

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