Chapter 8

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The morning after Katherine was sitting at the Gryffindor table for breakfast, she had blocked out the conversations happening around her, just absentmindedly eating her breakfast, she barely even registered that mail had arrived until two letters had dopped in front of her, she looked at the first letter, recognising Moony's handwriting straight away, she looked at the second and wished she hadn't. The second letter was from her parents, she didn't even think, she stood up and practically ran at McGonagall who was handing out class schedules.

"Kathy what's the matter?" She asked grabbing onto Katherines shoulders.

"They've sent me a letter Min" Katherine all but whispered up at McGonagall.

"Let me finish passing out the class schedules, speaking of here's yours" McGonagall said whilst handing her a slip of parchment, "and then we will head up to Dumbledore". Katherine nodded and went to wait by the doors to the great hall. George noticing her alarm got up, ignoring Fred's protests and headed over to her.

"KitKat, what's happened?" He asked after noticing the alarm on her face, he pulled her into his arms.

"My parents have written to me Georgie; I'm just waiting for Mins to finish handing out the class schedules and then we're going to speak to Dumbledore" Katherine said in a hushed tone into his chest.

"I'll come with you, if you want?" Katherine didn't have words, so she just nodded, she eventually pulled away from him when McGonagall came over.

"Is Mr Weasley coming with us?" McGonagall asked to which Katherine simply nodded and so the three of them rushed off to Dumbledores office, Katherine clutching tightly to the letter from Lupin and McGonagall holding the one from her parents. "Acid pops" McGonagall all but shouted at the poor gargoyle, the three of them ushed up the stairs where McGonagall frantically knocked on Dumbledores door.

"Come in" Dumbledore shouted through the door. Katherine, George and McGonagall went inside. "What can I do for you Minerva, Katherine and Mr Weasley?" Dumbledore asked.

"Kathy's parents seem to have written to her Albus" McGonagall stated, handing him the letter.

"Do I have permission to read it Katherine?" Dumbledore asked her, to which she again just nodded. George stood behind her with his hands on her shoulders.


I cannot believe that you made such fraudulent claims against me and you mother. After everything we have done for you. You bring shame on the Willow name. You can however make it up to us, at the end of the year something big will happen which will call for you to choose a side. You better make sure that you pick the right one or you may find yourself in a difficult situation.


As Dumbledore read the letter Katherine got closer to tears, she didn't know what was going to happen at the end of the year, but she could hazard a guess.

"He's coming back isn't he Albus" Katherine spoke, her voice so soft that if the room wasn't already silent you would never have heard it.

"I'm afraid so Katherine, am I safe to assume your loyalties lie with the side of good?" Katherine hummed a little.

"My loyalties do lie with the side of good Albus, but they also lie with the innocent, and I will fight until my last breath to protect them, even against my parents if I must" Katherine said with a confidence that even scared George, he watched as her eyes glossed over. Elise and I will be there also Katherine. Katherine smiled to herself, "I also have the full support of Athena and Elise".

"Very well, I would advise you stay away from the tournament Katherine, it is entirely up to you of course, however, with your parents sending this letter I don't think that it would be a wise idea to enter" Dumbledore looked over the top of his halfmoon spectacles at her.

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