Chapter 14

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Everything happened at once, Hermione screamed, Harry jumped, and Katherine snarled. She doesn't do well with people sneaking up on her.

"Found this at the base of the whomping willow, very useful potter" He sneered at Harry. "Your wondering perhaps how I knew you were here..." Katherine quickly cut him off.

"Not really" Snape turned his glare to her.

"Quiet Willow, as a fifth year, you should know better." She just glared at him in return. "I went to your office Lupin, you forgot to take your potion tonight, so I took a goblet full along, lucky I did, lucky for me I mean. Laying on your desk was a certain map. Once glance told me everything I needed to know, I saw you running along this passageway and out of sight". Everyone was silent, this situation just got a whole lot worse.

"Severus- "Lupin started, but Snape cut him off.

"I've told the headmaster again and again that you've been helping your old friend Black into the castle, Lupin, and here's the proof. Not even I dreamed you would have the nerve to use this old place as you hideout." Katherine rolled her eyes as Snape came to the wrong conclusion; things had started to make sense before he stuck his abnormally large nose into things.

"Severus, you're making a mistake. You haven't heard everything, let me explain, Sirius is not here to kill Harry" Lupin was becoming urgent, but Katherine remembered what Snape had said, Lupin hasn't taken his potion, she was supposed to shift tonight. Tonight, was a full moon. She could feel the panic rising for the humans currently in this room.

"Two more for Azkaban tonight" He seemed far too happy about handing over at least one innocent man. "I am interested to see how Dumbledore takes this, he was quite convinced you were harmless, you know, Lupin, a tame werewolf."

"You fool, is a schoolboy grudge worth putting an innocent man back inside Azkaban" BANG, snake like chords began to wrap themselves around Lupin, Katherine rushed forward to help him before another bang was heard and Snape had done the same to her.

"You shouldn't have tried to help him Miss Willow, well you will just have to go right along with them" She went to respond until a chord had wrapped itself around her mouth, muffling all sound. Snape then rounded on Sirius, his wand pointing right between his eyes.

"Give me a reason. Give me a reason to do it, and I swear I will" he whispered at Black.

"Professor Snape, it-it wouldn't hurt to hear what they have to say, would it? And did you have to tie Katherine up?" He turned his glare on Hermione.

"BE QUIET YOU STUPID GIRL, DON'T TALK ABOUT WHAT YOU DON'T UNDERSTAND" he then glanced down at Katherine, "Besides she is just as dangerous as Lupin" they all gasped at him in shock and Katherine burnt holes into his head with her glare.

"Vengeance is sweet, how I hoped id be the one to catch you- "Snape had turned his attention back to Sirius.

"The jokes on you Severus, as long as this boy brings his rat up to the castle, ill come quietly" Sirius nodded his head over to Ron. Hermione had begun silently moving towards Katherine I hopes to help her.

"Up to the castle? I don't think we need to go that far; all I have to do is call the dementors when we get out of the willow. They'll be please to see you Black, pleased enough to give you a little kiss I daresay." Snape again was so focused on Sirius he had failed to see Hermione helping Katherine get free.

"You've got to hear me out, the rat, look at the rat" but Sirius wouldn't get through to Snape. Snape looked a little deranged in Katherine's opinion.

"Come on, all of you" He turned towards the door, "I'll drag the werewolf and Miss Willow if I have to- "Harry rushed into the doorway to block Snapes path. "Get out of the way Potter, you're in enough trouble already if I hadn't of been there to save your skin-" but the sound of Katherine voice cut him off.

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