Chapter 4 - DH

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It was now the beginning of May and everyone had just settled down to get some sleep when Remus's Patronus appeared in the room.

"Dagon, we need you, Lily and James at Hogwarts, now! Go to the hogs head, there is a tunnel there".

Katherine sat in shock for a minute before jumping out of bed and pulling on a pair of black skinny jeans, black t-shirt and a black leather jacket over the top.

"AUNT LILY, UNCLE PRONGS! IT'S TIME WE NEED TO GO!" Katherine screamed out of her bedroom door before sitting on he bed and pulling on her combat boots.

"Do you remember what you need to do Reggie?" Katherine asked whilst lacing up her boots.

"Of course, I am the eyes in the back of your head little mermaid" Regulus stated as James and Lily burst through the door.

"Are we ready?" James asked, Katherine just nodded before the three and their ghostly companion apparated outside the hogs head.

"In here. Quickly" a voice sounded from down and alleyway. Katherine wasted no time and slipped through the door that was being held open, James and Lily following close behind.

"Hello Aberforth" Katherine said gently. The older man pulled the small girl in for a hug.

"Little Willow, though I hear it's Lupin these days. It's good to see you girl, you as well Potters. Go now, the rest of the order is waiting for you" Aberforth said quickly, ushering the three into the tunnel.

"I don't ever remember this tunnel being here" Regulus said from behind the group.

"It's because this has only been created in the last year Reg" Katherine said quietly, speeding up as she saw the end of the tunnel. Crawling out of the opening and standing up straight Katherine was immediately tackled by Hermione.

"I've missed you so much Kat" Hermione sobbed causing Katherine to hold the girl a little tighter, then Ron and Ginny joined.

"I've missed all of you so much" Katherine replied as a throat cleared behind her. Turning around she lay eyes on the twins, who she ad missed so much, letting out a sob she ran and jumped on George, him catching her effortlessly. "I love you so much Georgie" Katherine said into his neck as George placed her back on her feet.

"I love you too KitKat. Don't ever disappear on me again" George said before pulling her into another hug. Looking over Katherine made eye contact with Fred who barrelled into Katherine and his twin, the three of them silently thanking every god above they they were back together.

"Little one, we've missed you" a voice spoke from behind her, whipping round she came face to face with Sirius and Remus, the former wasting no time in pulling her to him.

"Hi Uncle Siri, Reggie says hello" Katherine whispered in Sirius's ear as they hugged. "When this is over you and him are going to have a conversation" she added causing Sirius to nod, pulling away she faced her dad. "I've missed you so much dad" Katherine said launching into he dads embrace.

"I've missed you so much too little one. You're going to love your little brother" Remus said causing a smile to break out on Katherines face.

"I have a brother!" Katherine squealed until the reality of the situation set in, turning to the one person she hasn't reconnected with, their eyes connected before Harry ran to her, holding her tightly. "It's good to see you Harry".

"It's good to see you too Kat. Now it's time to go, I need you to hide and wait for my signal before coming into the great hall. I've already explained that we need to find a horcrux that is here in the castle. The lost diadem of Rowena Ravenclaw" Harry rushed out, Katherine nodded before heading over to the rest of the order, all of them nodding in greeting.

This is it; this is the beginning of the end of this war.


The castle had erupted into chaos. Katherine, the twins and Reg were watching as the boundary went up around the school with heavy hearts. The three of them were silent for a long moment before George boke it.

"You alright Freddie, Kat?"

"Yeah, we're alright Georgie. I wanted you to know Georgie that when all this is done, we are getting back together. If you want to" Katherine said softly, her eyes glued to the sky.

"Why wait. This could be it for us and if I am going to die, id rather die with you by my side little love" George replied with a slightly tremor in his voice.

"I'm glad to be yours again Georgie" Katherine gabbed his hand and smiled up at him, tears in her eyes as the gravity of the situation dawned on her.

"Well don't I feel like a third wheel" Fred grumbled playfully. Katherine slipped her wand into her back pocket and grabbed Fred's free hand.

"You will never be third wheel to us Freddie" Katherine said causing Fred to nod and swallow the lump in his throat. "All of us will make it out of this".

"That we will. Us lot are manning up here with the help of Percy. You, Fred, George and Percy will be on this side. Me, Sirius, James and Lily and Tonks will be on the other side" Remus spoke quickly making sure that Katherine and the twins understood. Giving him a nod a tear slipped down her face. "Don't cry little one, we will all be alright. Besides Regulus I hear is going to be the eyes in the back of your head. Don't fret. I love you little one" Remus added pulling Katherine into a hug.

"I love you too dad" Katherine said pulling away as the first sounds of battle rang out. Katherine closed her eyes and took her position back in between the twins. Soon enough the first death eaters landed in front of them. Katherine wasted no time, firing spells so quickly none of them could keep up. She was going with such a ferocity she could see the fear take over their features as she stunned them.

"Kat behind you!" Regulus shouted causing Katherine to whirl around and send spells at the death eaters attacking the twins and Percy.

"Ahh little Willow we meet again" Evan Rosier's voice came from behind her causing her to freeze momentarily. "You know, it annoyed me greatly when you gave me and Greyback the slip. However you wont get away from me this time you little-" Rosier didn't get to finish as James had barrelled into him from the side spending him sprawling to the floor.

"That is enough from you Rosier. You will stay away from my niece" James growled standing in front of Katherine protectively.

"What? How? Your supposed to be dead" Rosier spat climbing to his feet, however he didn't have chance to grab his wand before a stunning spell was fired straight at him. Suddenly the overwhelming feeling of dread settled in her causing her to bring Athena forth. Her wings shot out as she hovered slightly over everyone and that's when she noticed the glimpse of the spell sent to explode the wall beside Fred. Running on nothing but adrenalin Katherine flew straight at Fred, wrapping her arms around his body just as the wall exploded, sending them both flying slightly off course as they landed with a thud and rolled away from the scene.

"Fred? Kat?" George asked as he saw the wall where they both were a minute ago in pieces, "Lupin! I need to shift some of this rubble. Fred and Katherine were here!" George said desperately. Not noticing the pair slowly getting back to their feet.

"What do you mean George?" Lupin asked running over to George in panic.

"Yeah what do you mean Georgie?" Fred asked slightly breathless and covered in dust. George whipped around and looked at the pair in disbelief.

"I thought you were- oh god, ho-how did you?" George stuttered out on the verge of tears as James, Sirius, Lily and Percy joined George and Remus.

"Have more faith in me Georgie, Athena saw the spell before it hit, and I knocked Fred out of the way" Katherine said panting slightly.

"Kat they're getting swamped down near the great hall!" Regulus said quickly.

"Come on we are needed at the great hall" Katherine said taking off in a run with the group following behind her. On their way down they were battling every death eater they came across, helping those who were surrounded, she caught glimpses of the golden trio but she didn't have time to stand and chat. She was so focused on defending those who were struggling she missed Regulus's warning, she was sent soaring through the air and her head connected with the floor in a sickening crunch. She vaguely heard everyone screaming her name but she eventually fell into darkness.

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