Chapter 8 - OOTP

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It had been a while since everyone except Katherine had returned to Hogwarts, she had seen George once a week for the past few weeks and spoke to him every day via their private link. She discovered she can also link anyone; however she can only do that in close range, George is the only one she can link at a distance. Katherine and Sirius were currently in the kitchen making lunch and dancing around to the music coming through the muggle radio that Katherine had managed to get working when they were interrupted by an owl banging on the window. Katherine skipped over and let the owl in before taking the letter off its leg, it was then that she noticed the owl was Hedwig. Turning the letter over she saw it was addressed to her.

"Who's the letter from Kat?" Sirius asked from the doorway.

"Harry" Katherine muttered before opening the letter.

Dear Dragon,

I just wanted to apologize for the way I have treated you, especially over the summer. I have no excuse for the way I acted, and I don't expect forgiveness. I really am sorry; you became one of my closest friends and I let my jealousy get in the way of that. I hope this letter finds you well.


Katherine sunk into a chair and reread the letter several times, Sirius had read it over her shoulder and sat across from her.

"So what do you want to do? Burn it, or reply?" Sirius asked gently, he knew that Harry had caused her so much pain over the holidays and whilst he understood Harry's frustration he did not condone the way he had treated Katherine.

"I'll reply, I honestly don't think I could ever forgive him though Uncle Siri" Katherine whispered, she didn't trust her voice at the minute, all of the pain she felt over the holidays came back tenfold, grabbing her writing materials she started her reply.


I honestly don't think I could forgive you. You hurt me some much over the summer and its pain that is going to remain with me for a long time, if I ever recover fully from it. The thing is Harry, I saw you as a little brother, I understand your going through a lot but bear in mind you are not the only one being hunted. You have no idea how much I wish I wasn't the way I am. I've accepted it but it doesn't mean people have to shove it down my throat. My trauma and my "parents" are two things I wish I could change more than anything in this world and I didn't need them being thrown in my face. Engage your brain next time.


Katherine didn't bother to let Sirius read the reply, she just sealed it and attached it back to Hedwig's leg and sent her back off to Hogwarts. Looking back at Sirius he stood and opened his arms causing Katherine to run into them. She really would do anything for her dad and uncle Sirius.

"Do you think I should forgive him Uncle Siri?" Katherine asked quietly.

"Honestly I would be surprised if you did. I love Harry, I do, but the way he has treated you this summer has been appalling and if it wasn't obvious I love you like your my own daughter. So I think I would probably be very surprised if you did forgive him. Come now, don't think anymore of it Kat" Sirius said pulling he back to the kitchen so they could resume what they were doing.

"Kat?". The sudden sound of George's voice in he mind startled her a little. He was supposed to be in lesson.

"Georgie? Aren't you supposed to be in lesson?"

"Yeah, but Kat listen, that Umbridge woman has been using blood quills on students".

"WHAT? Has she hurt you? Fed? Hemione? Wait that last one was stupid Hermione would never do anything to end up in detention".

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