Chapter 6 - OOTP

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On the last day of the holidays the book lists arrived, but Katherine knew that this year she would have to brave alone. Well she had Sirius and her dad, but she couldn't see George every day, or watch the twins pulling pranks, or study with Hermione and all of that crushed her, so when the lists arrived she quietly retreated into her room. Sirius however clocked her going and followed her up.

"You alright Dragon?" Sirius asked quietly, looking at the small girl who sat on the edge of her bed with he head in her hands.

"Yeah, I will be Uncle Siri, it's just hard you know? I always thought id be graduating with the twins since our fourth year, but now. I'm worried George is going to forget me, and I have an awful feeling that something is going to go wrong without me there to help them" Katherine responded without lifting her head. Sirius sighed before rubbing circles on her back.

"Hush now, you know George loves you. I honestly thought id seen the look with Lily and James and believe me they were absolutely in love, but you and George look at each other like you are the only ones in the universe, there is absolutely nothing he wouldn't do for you Kat. You are his everything. And as for everything else, you cannot save everyone, and you cannot stop things from happening if they are going to" Sirius says softly pulling her into a hug. She held on for dear life, frightened that Sirius was going to leave her like the others are.

"Kat! You'll never guess what!" Hermione yelled bounding into her room, however her voice died in her throat when she saw Katherine being held by Sirius whilst she was silently crying. Sirius motioned for Hermione to give them some peace, so she backed out of the room and closed the door softly, stopping Fred and George on the way to tell them to give Katherine some space but George wouldn't let it go.

"Hermione I need to go see Katherine; I need to tell her about Ron" George insisted.

"No George you don't, you need to give her some space. If you hadn't noticed she hasn't been doing so well recently. Since it's drawn closer to the end of the holidays she's been so sad. She has put on a brave face to help you and Fred with the products, me and ginny when we needed someone to rant to. Harry has treated her horribly. So right now she just needs space. Give it to her" Hermione snapped before running off back to the others.

"She's right Georgie, think about it, Kat hasn't been herself for the past week and we've missed it" Fred said quietly. At that moment Sirius walked out of Katherines room closing the door behind him.

"How is she Sirius?" George asked. He was worried and he felt horrible he'd not noticed.

"She's asleep, and I think we need to let her sleep for now, she's heartbroken about not being able to go back to school, she's devastated she wont get to see you every day and she's worried about you all. So right now, we are going to go downstairs and leave her alone" Sirius said gently turning the twins around and leading them back downstairs. Once the three of them make it into the room where Molly was screaming. "Molly can you please stop screaming Katherine is asleep!" Sirius said pinching the bridge of his nose.

"Oh sorry Sirius. What do you mean she's asleep, is she not well?" Molly asked forgetting for a moment what she was screaming about.

"She's fine Molly, she's just having a hard time is all, do you know if Remus is here?" Sirius said patting Molly on the shoulder.

"Yes, he's down in the dining room, maybe I should go and check on Katherine" Molly said starting to head out of the room.

"No need, she's fine, like I said, she's asleep. Now what was all the screaming about?" Sirius asked.

"Oh Ron and Hermione got prefects!" Molly cried.

"That's wonderful, congratulations you two, now if you'll excuse me I need to find Remus" Sirius nodded his head slightly before heading off to the dining room to find Lupin. Walking in he took his place at the head of the table like he usually does as Lupin was sat at the side of him.

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