Chapter 10 - HBP

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Another couple of months had gone by, and it was drawing close to the end of the school year for the teenagers still at school. Harry had written frequently keeping Katherine updated on what was going on at school. Though reading his most recent letter Katherine was burning with rage. Running down the stairs she burst into the dining room scaring her uncles and dad out of their wits.

"Bloody hell Kat what's going on?" Sirius cried.

"Dumbledore is taking Harry to hunt for a horcrux. I don't have a good feeling about this Uncle Siri. What if something happens?" Katherine exclaimed. She was worried about this; she knew that these horcruxes needed to be destroyed but sending a teenage boy to do it just didn't make sense.

"Embers calm down, I'm sure there is a reason why Harry is going with him" James tried to soothe. In truth he also couldn't understand why Dumbledore didn't ask some of the adults to do it.

"I don't trust Dumbledore to keep him safe Uncle Prongs" Katherine sighed sitting down at the table.

"I know you don't Kat, but we haven't got a choice at the minute" her dad said patting her shoulder gently. Katherine lay her head on the table and let out a heavy sigh. She hated all of this; they are just children. Harry is just a child he shouldn't have to worry about this. His only worries should be his classes and girls. Shaking her head Katherine got up and went back to her room. She knew there wasn't anything she could do, and she hated it, all she wanted was to be able to protect him.

"Kat?" Lily's voice called from the doorway. Katherine looked up and gave her a soft smile.

"Hey Aunt Lily, what's up?" Katherine asked.

"I heard. I just want you to know that I share your concerns, I'm so worried about Harry" Lily said quickly sitting beside Katherine on the bed.

"What are we going to do?" Katherine asked casting a silencing spell around them.

"I have no idea. Something is happening at Hogwarts" Lily said trapping her bottom lip in between her teeth.

"I need to go to Hogwarts" Katherine said jumping up and getting her shoes on.

"What? Kat you cant go to Hogwarts, if it's true about Draco trying to kill Dumbledore then you are in more danger than you realise. If Draco is successful you become public enemy number one. If you wont join them they will kill you" Lily said in a hushed whisper.

"Aunt Lily I love you, but I am not sitting here whilst the people I love are in danger-" Katherine responded before her dad cut her off.

"Kat we are needed at Hogwarts. Now!" Lupin said before he rushed off, his daughter hot on his heels. She wasted no time running out the front door and apparating as close to Hogwarts as she could, landing in the forbidden forest.

"Dad I'm going to partial shift to get there as fast as I can!" Katherine called to her dad who had just appeared with Sirius, James and Lily. Lupin just nodded as his daughter took off in a run before her 30-foot wings spread, beating them she took off into the air.

"That was bloody brilliant!" James laughed before following the others to the castle. As Katherine flew up to the astronomy tower she landed before running down the stairs. Following the thundering footsteps before she was pulled into the shadows by Harry.

"What are you doing here?" Harry whispered but before she had chance to respond the sounds of duelling disturbed the two. Gripping their wands they ran out and started duelling the death eaters.

"My my is that the half breed our masters after?" Katherine heard the voice of Alecto Carrow. Turning her head she came face to face with the Carrow siblings. Not even giving them a chance she channelled Elise and let out a earth shattering scream causing the Carrow twins to collapse. What Katherine failed to notice was Fenrir Greyback charging at her as he slammed into her side causing her to sail through the air and hit the wall, making her to cry out in pain.

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