Chapter 9

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"So, you're a shifter" Hermione looked at Katherine. They were sat on a bench talking, Ron's 24 hours were nearly up, and Katherine will go through with her threat if he doesn't apologise.

"Yes, a dragon and a siren shift to be specific" Katherine looked down at her hands, "And before you ask, I'm the product of an experiment exploding" deciding to give Hermione the short version.

"So, who else knows? And I'm sorry this has happened to you" Katherine shrugged in response.

"Fred, George, Minnie, Dumbledore, Hagrid and now yourself. My parents obviously know, but outside of them just the 6 of you. I'm okay with it now, I wasn't in the beginning, I hated myself and my parents for what they had done, but I accepted that it's just who I am now".

"So how does it affect your magic?" Hermione was a curious person, but one Katherine knew she could trust.

"It makes it stronger, its part of the reason I'm top of my class in DADA, transfiguration and charms, however I am unsure of how strong it actually is and my limitations on it." Hermione nodded at her answer. "I must swear you to secrecy 'Mione, no one can know. Not even Harry and Ron".

"I promise Kat, I won't tell a soul." Hermione and Katherine headed to the three broomsticks where they were meeting Fred and George and Lee. "Does it hurt?" Hermione suddenly questioned.

"Hm?" Katherine suddenly took in what she was asking, "Oh no, not anymore, its as easy as breathing, I take a breath in as I am, and then as I exhale it happens" Hermione nodded again as they walked into the three broomsticks. Spotting the twins and lee they headed over.


When they got back to school, they had seen Malfoy covered in mud. The 5 of them started laughing at the sight but quickly moved on so they wouldn't be caught. However, Katherine suddenly snorted from laughing so hard, and Malfoy whipped round to face her.

"What are you laughing at mute" he spat every word, but this just made Katherine laugh harder. As he was getting no reaction from her, him and his goons headed off towards the dungeons and the five of them continued their walk up to Gryffindor tower. On their way Hermione had received a note. Hagrid lost the case, and Buckbeak is going to be executed. Katherine pass her and Hermione's things to the twins and Lee who had offered to take them to the common room, so the girls turned on their heel to go and see Hagrid. However, on the way they saw Harry and Ron, they had heard everything to boys had been talking about and from the looks on their faces they believe the girls were going to inform McGonagall.

"Come to have a good gloat? Or have you just been to tell on us" Katherine nearly punched Ron there and then however a hand on her arm stopped her. She looked at Hermione and just nodded.

"No" she practically whispered, holding up the note she had received, a sod nearly made its way out of her throat, so Katherine took over.

"Hagrid lost his case, Buckbeak is going to be executed." Hermione passed the note to Harry. "He's just sent Hermione this."

Dear Hermione

We lost. I'm allowed to bring him back to Hogwarts. Execution date to be fixed.

Beaky has enjoyed London.

I won't forget all the help you and Katherine gave us.


"They can't do this, Buckbeak isn't dangerous" Harry all but yelled at them.

"It will be Malfoy senior, I'm telling you, he will have probably threatened to curse them into oblivion" Katherine had started to pace up and down the spot they were in. "You know what they're like. Still there will be the appeal, we will just need to work a little harder 'Mione" she shot Hermione a small smile, who had enthusiastically nodded at Katherines statement.

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