Chapter 19

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Katherine walked down the stairs from Dumbledores office, and straight into Harry.

"Harry what on earth is the matter?" Katherine asked looking at his frantic state.

"Mr Crouch is here, he's down in the forest, he wants to speak with Dumbledore" Harry said, as Dumbledore came out of his office behind her.

"Lead the way, Katherine please return to your dorm" Dumbledore said before rushing off with Harry. Katherine made he way back to Gryffindor tower.

"Fairy lights" she spoke the password to the Fat Lady who opened the portrait before bidding Katherine goodnight. She walked in and saw the common room was nearly empty except for a few people, like Hermione, Ron and the twins.

"Kat, how did it go with Dumbledore?" asked Fred, looking at her tired face.

"He agreed, Lupin is going to collect me after my last exam instead, he said Hogwarts is no longer safe for me" Katherine spoke quietly to the group, George got up and held her tightly.

"We will see each other though during the holidays wont we" George asked sounding a little panicked.

"Of course Mon Amour. I wouldn't be able to go so long without seeing you at least 4 times in the week" she said gently before kissing his cheek.

"That means you wont be here for the final task" Hermione gasped.

"No I wont be, it is no longer safe 'Mione, I need to go before something happens to me, and besides I can still see you in the last few Hogsmeade visits, I can apparate now" Katherine announced proudly, she had passed her apparition test a few months ago. Just then Harry came back and told everyone what had happened with Mr Crouch and Katherine developed a pit in her stomach which told her that leaving when she was, was indeed a good thing, and from the look on George's face he agreed.


The weeks passed by quicker than Katherine would have liked, she had already packed her trunk before coming down for her last exam. She had spent as much time as possible with George and as she came out of her last exam and saw him she couldn't hold her tears back and barrelled into him like a freight train. He wrapped his arms around her and held her as close as humanly possible.

"You promise me you will stay out of Moody's way, you and Fred" She whispered.

"I promise KitKat" George whispered back.

"I'm going to say this to you now before I go because I'm not waiting until I see you again. I bloody love you George Weasley, and you are the best thing to ever happen to me" Katherine said with confidence before she kissed him.

"I love you too Katherine Willow" He replied after they pulled away. He kissed he one last time before she hugged Fred and Hermione and the departed to Dumbledores office. Muttering the password one last time she headed up the stairs and into the office where her trunk and Lupin were waiting.

"I will send your exam results to you Katherine, stay safe. Remus keep her indoors as much as possible" Dumbledore said quickly. "Here is your portkey, you must go, now". Katherine and Lupin grabbed hold of the teapot Dumbledore had given them when the familiar feeling of being hooked came and went just as quickly, landing on he feet in front of a small cottage.

"Papa Moon, where are we?" Katherine asked following the man to the door.

"We are home Little Dragon" Katherine walked in as Lupin made her follow upstairs, opening a room that was decorated in Gryffindor colours.

"This used to be your room when you were at Hogwarts didn't it?" Katherine asked with a smirk.

"What gave it away?" Lupin asked with a chuckle.

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