Chapter 5 - OOTP

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The day of Harry's hearing had arrived, and Katherine could feel the tension in the air, and she hated it. Hated everything about it, but regardless she dragged her feet down the stairs and headed towards the dining room. Upon noticing her Molly placed a cup of coffee in front of her as she sat down. Looking over at Lupin she saw how tired he was from the full moon.

"You alright dad?" Katherine asked quietly.

"Yeah I'm alright Little Dragon" Lupin replied before placing a kiss on her temple, she showed him a soft smile before going back to her coffee when Harry walked into the dining room, Molly fussed over him as usual.

"m-morning Harry" Tonks yawned out, causing Katherine to jump a little as she hadn't noticed Tonks when she came in. "Sleep alright?" Tonks asked.

"Yeah" Harry said before glancing at Katherine, "morning Katherine" he said politely causing Katherine to look at him from over her coffee.

"Morning Harry" She replied politely, she still didn't want to talk to him after his hissy fit the other night, but she wasn't going to make things awkward for everyone else.

"What were you saying about Scrimgeour?" Lupin asked Tonks as he looked at her.

"Oh yeah, we need to be a bit more careful, he's been asking Kingsley and me funny questions" She started, and Katherine decided it was time to switch off her brain for a bit, Lupin would tell her if it was important anyway. She closed her eyes and tapped into Athena's hearing ability to see if George was still sleeping. Of course he was and she didn't blame him, it was far too early for him to be awake, sighing she felt her eyes go back to their usual chocolate brown before she opened them, the others apart from Sirius, Lupin, the twins and Hermione were still a little cautious when it came to her abilities. Mundungus actually said they were flat out unnatural, to which Katherine snorted and agreed with him.

"Kat!" Sirius yelled from the side of her, earning himself a wicked glare.

"What?" she asked innocently.

"Molly wants to know if you will help her wake up the twins" Sirius said pointing towards Molly in the doorway who was wearing an amused smile. Getting up Katherine apologized to Molly quickly before bounding up the stairs, she quickly popped her head into her room to see the twins still passed out, Fred on the spare bed they put in there and George on her bed. Looking at them so peaceful she didn't have it in her to wake them, so instead she climbed back into bed and curled up into George before letting her eyes flutter close.


Katherine woke a few hours later, the twins no where in sight. She was a little confused, how long had she been asleep for? Shaking her head she climbed out of bed and padded he way back down the stairs and to the dining room, she noted how she felt hot and utterly exhausted, even after sleeping again. Taking a seat next to her dad and Uncle Padfoot she lay her head on the table.

"You alright Kat?" Sirius asked, looking down at the small girl.

"No Uncle Pads, I feel weird" Katherine mumbled back not taking her head off the table. She felt Sirius place the back of his hand against her cheek.

"Merlin Kat your on fire, Moony there's something wrong with Kat" Sirius said grabbing Lupins attention.

"Sweetheart, are you alright?" Lupin asked from the side of her.

"No dad, I'm too hot, everything's too loud, I'm exhausted" Katherine whimpered. Her breathing suddenly increased as her body felt like it had fire running through her veins. The last time she felt like this was when her parents left her to die, jumping up she darted out of the room and into the bathroom, locking the door behind her. She couldn't panic now, "Athena? Elise? What's wrong?" she asked in her mind, I'm not sure child, but I think you have another shift coming, no sooner had Athena finished talking to he she felt the familiar burn in her eyes, running over to the mirror she looked at herself and found her eyes where white with flecks of blue.

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