Chapter 4 - OOTP

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Katherine awoke early the next morning with George wrapped around her, she hadn't even heard him come to bed last night so she must have been dead asleep. Carefully untangling herself she quietly made her way to the bathroom to do her morning routine. After she had finished she padded down to the dining room and into the kitchen to make herself a cup of coffee. As she waited for the water to heat up she thought about last nights events, sighing softly as the force of Harry's sharp words hit her again. She would never side with Voldemort, and she meant what she said when she said she would rather die. Pouring herself a coffee when the water was finally ready she went and took her spot at the dining table, letting herself get pulled into her thoughts once more.

"Morning Dragon" Lupin spoke softly not wanting to startle Katherine.

"Morning Dad, how come your up so early?" Katherine asked quietly.

"I struggle sleeping this close to a full moon" Lupin said as he made his way back over to her with his own coffee.

"It's tonight isn't it?" Katherine asked to which Lupin to just nodded in reply. "Do you want Athena to keep you company?".

"Not tonight sweetheart, I think its best you stay in the house until the others go back to school" Lupin said patting her hand gently, she gently curled her fingers around his and gave a small squeeze.

"If you're sure pops" she said with a soft smile.

"I am, now what I want to talk about was what I noticed about you yesterday when you came back down the stairs" Lupin said causing Katherine to choke on coffee.

"I have no idea what your on about" Katherine stated.

"Are you being safe?" Lupin asked bluntly.

"Oh dear Merlin. Yes Dad, I'm being safe, I promise. Now can we please not have this conversation" She grumbled.

"What conversation?" Sirius asked from the doorway causing Katherine and Lupin to jump slightly.

"Bloody hell, you need a bell Uncle Pads" Katherine said with her hand on her chest.

"I was asking Katherine if she was being safe" Lupin stated calmly, avoiding the look of disbelief his unofficially adopted daughter shot him.

"Being safe about what? She hasn't left the house Moony I don't think you need to worry about that" Sirius said coming back into the dining room with his own coffee.

"No Pads, I mean I was asking if she was being safe with George" Lupin replied causing Sirius to then choke on his coffee.

"Why is that a conversation you're having at 6am? Merlin Moony" Sirius exclaimed a little too loudly.

"Shut up Uncle Pads, you don't want to wake that wailing walrus do you" Katherine hissed.

"Sorry Kat, so anyway, do you want to know what happened after you went to bed last night?" Sirius asked. Katherine nodded giving him her full attention.

"Well a fight broke out between me and Molly about Harry and what he should be allowed to know-", Sirius started but Katherine cut him off.

"You do remember Dumbledore explicitly telling you not to tell him anything don't you?" Katherine asked.

"Yes, anyway, Molly tried to send all the kids up to bed, now obviously your twins are of age so they got to stay, and Hemione and Ron because Harry would of told them anyway. Ginny ended up being the only one that went to bed, who then also woke my mother causing Mooney to rush out so she didn't wake you up, cause we all know you would of burnt her off the wall. We told Harry that Voldemort has been hiding out, trying to build his army and find you and trying to find another weapon. That's when Molly stepped in and said he'd heard enough, they argued a little about Harry joining the order which your dear Dad put a stop to, and this is where we are now" Sirius exclaimed happily. Katherine groaned whilst rubbing circles into her temples.

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