Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

The next morning Katherine was heading towards her DADA class. She felt considerably lighter today after being able to fly for a while last night. Though she had noticed the twins in the classroom, no doubt setting up a prank, she however wasn't aware that they had spotted her. Pushing the door open she headed to her usual seat at the back of the room and waited for the other students to join her, soon enough George flopped into the seat beside her, whilst Fred and Lee Jordan sat at the desk in front.

"Hey Kat, you will never guess what me and Fred saw last night!" George almost burst from the excitement he was holding in. However, she could hear lee audibly groan from in front of her. "We saw a dragon" Fred burst into the conversation with equal amounts of excitement.

"For the last time guys, there is no dragons at Hogwarts" Lee obviously sick of hearing about this finally snapped, but neither of the twins paid any attention.

"We are going to find proof and show the whole school, maybe Dumbledore knows, we should ask him" George continued, not noticing how stiff Katherine had become. Before she had time to dwell on it, Snape burst into the room, the door banging off the wall. He walked towards the front, closing the blinds as he went.

"Turn to page 394" Switching the projector on all the students began to whisper about the subject they were covering.

"Now can anyone tell me the difference between a werewolf and an Animagus?" Katherine pushed her hand into the air. She already knew as she had already read the book, cover to cover. "Yes Miss Willow" she put her hand down as everyone fell silent waiting for her answer.

"An Animagus is a wizard or witch who elect to turn into an animal, a werewolf has no choice, when they turn, they lose all control, he'd kill his best friend if they crossed paths. Furthermore, the werewolf only responds to the call of its own kind" Snape nodded, clearly satisfied with her answer.

"Ten points to Gryffindor" Katherine puffed out a bit with pride as snape droned on with the lesson. Nearly an hour later he dismissed the class telling them he wanted an essay of two rolls on parchment about werewolves. Standing up Katherine's mind finally came to the conclusion it had the other day in Lupins classroom.

Remus Lupin was definitely a werewolf.


A day later it was time for the Gryffindor vs Hufflepuff game, and despite the awful weather the excitement in the air was almost suffocating. Katherine, deciding to go and support her friends, cast a charm to create an umbrella over her head and walked down to the stands. Finding a seat next to Hermione she exchanged pleasant hello's and settled in to watch the game.

Well, what they could see of it anyway, the rain was coming down so hard the players themselves could barely see what was happening, eventually Oliver wood had called for a time out, Hermione grabbed Katherine's hand and rushed down to the team, just in time to hear Harry going on about how he no hope of catching the snitch as he can't see anything.

"Harry pass me your glasses" He handed Hermione his glasses "Impervius, there, they will repel water" A chorus of thank you went around before the twins gave Katherine puppy dog eyes for her to do the same to their goggles. She laughed and cast the charm on their goggles before heading back to her seat.

The game began to get more intense before Katherine noticed Harry and Cedric Diggory both heading for the snitch, going so high that no one could see them. Katherine new what she did was stupid, but she tapped into her dragon senses just in time to see Harry fall from his broom. Without thinking she jumped over the side of the stands, unfurling her wings before hitting the ground and soaring through the air towards Harry. When she got close enough, she grabbed him and brought him down to the pitch so he could be sent to the hospital wing and be seen by Madam Pomfrey.

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