Chapter 14 - OOTP

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Arthur Weasley had arrived home cured from the bites and everyone couldn't be happier. Katherine was stood watching with a sad smile as the kids started to leave to return to Hogwarts. She wished she could join them, and she cursed her parents for doing this to her. As much as she loved Athena, Elise and Winter and would be lost without them a part of her still wishes she was normal. George came bounding over and scooped up his small girlfriend.

"I'm going to miss you KitKat" George whispered into the top of Katherines head.

"I know Georgie, I'm going to miss you so much too" Katherine whispered back whilst rubbing small circles on George's back, she lifted her head up and stood on her tiptoes to place a gentle kiss on George's lips, who kissed back just as sweetly. The clearing of a throat made them both look at Fred who pulled them both into a hug.

"Don't worry Kat, I'll keep an eye on him, I promise" Fred said before placing a kiss on Katherines head and pulling his twin out the door. Katherine sighed softly as the door closed behind them.

"Come on little one. I know it gets harder to let them go but they will always come back to you. Especially Fred and George" Sirius said as he placed his arm over her shoulders. "Besides we have each other and your dad" Sirius said causing Katherine to nod.

"Thanks Uncle Siri. How was Harry?" Katherine asked softly heading to the kitchen to get some coffee.

"He's alright, relieved Arthurs alright. Upset he has to go back to school, but he is otherwise alright" Sirius said before letting out a small sigh. "He's going to be teaching them patronuses when they restart their meetings".

"Really?" Katherine asked excitement lighting her eyes.

"Yep, do you know how to produce one?" Sirius asked the excited girl. Who just nodded before pulling out her wand and uttering the incantation causing a dragon burst from the end of her wand a fly around the room. Sirius laughed as he watched in awe as he had never seen a dragon Patronus before. "I've never seen a dragon Patronus before" Sirius whispered, at that moment Lupin walked into the room and panicked for a moment at the dragon flying around the room until he realised it was Katherines Patronus.

"Your Patronus is a dragon?" Lupin asked causing Katherine o loose concentration on her Patronus, effectively making it disappear.

"Yeah, I discovered it during my fifth year" Katherine said softly.

"That's remarkable, do you know what the dragon means?" Lupin asked his daughter taking a seat on the other side of her, Katherine shook her head lightly. "It means someone who is fearless, assertive and will take any challenge they receive head on. They are headstrong and fierce and will fight to the death for what they believe in" Lupin said with a smile on his face.

"Fits our Little Dragon then doesn't it" Sirius said with a grin.

"What's yours?" Katherine asked the two men.

"Mines a dog" Sirius replied causing Katherine to let out a laugh.

"Why am I not surprised, what about you dad?" Katherine asked looking up at him.

"It's a wolf" Lupin replied with a soft sigh.

"Don't be sad about it dad, I think its beautiful" Katherine said leaning her head on his shoulder.


The days bled into each other, Katherine had her regular visits with George, and they spoke all the time over mind link. Thankfully they could communicate that way as the ministry has been intercepting most if not all owls. Katherine wasn't really sure what time of year it was as she didn't see much of the outside world. Her and Sirius stayed in the house as they were both wanted by the Ministry for very different reasons. Her and Lupin where sat at the table discussing something when they both jumped at the sound of Harry's voice to find his head sticking out of the fireplace. Lupin rushed off to get Sirius whilst Katherine just carried on drinking her coffee.

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