Chapter 1 - DH

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It had been 3 months since Katherine, James and Lily had said their goodbyes. After leaving the others Katherine had taken them to the houses she had purchased for them. Passing them a piece of paper that had the address written on by herself, she had watched along with the couple as the houses manifested in front of them. Since that day the trio had been hiding out in the house belonging to James and Lily.

It was now September and Katherine had just celebrated her twentieth birthday. Lily had made her a cake and had managed to get her some of her favourite sweets. They had both apologised a lot, but Katherine wouldn't hear it, she was so grateful for the fact she wasn't alone. She had mind linked George occasionally just to let him know that she was alright, and she nearly blew her cover and apparated when she found out he had his ear cursed off when they were moving Harry from Privet Drive, but George insisted she stayed where she was. Speaking of the golden trio, no one had heard from them since the wedding. Heaving herself off the window seat she made her way into the kitchen where James and Lily where.

"Ah Kat, there you are. Do you want to help make some biscuits?" Lily asked as Katherine walked through the door.

"Of course Aunt Lily" Katherine replied, placing her book on the dining table and putting an apron on. Lily smiled and the two got to work listening to James telling Katherine his stories of how he tried so hard to get Lily to fall for him. Katherine smiled fondly at the two people in front of her, thankful that she wasn't alone.

"What about you Embers? How did you meet Padfoot?" James asked putting his head in his hands as he leaned across the kitchen counter.

"That is a very long story" Katherine laughed forming the dough for her biscuits.

"We have time" James quipped causing Katherine to laugh.

"Well, it was during my fifth year. I had become fast friends with Harry, Hermione, Ron and the twins. I had been trying to keep an eye on Harry as that boy is just a magnet for danger, we had just been down to Hagrid's as Buckbeak was being executed and the golden trio wanted to see him. I had just found scabbers, who was Rons rat, or so we thought, and had to rush from Hagrid's as the Minister, Executioner and Dumbledore where on their way down. We had just managed to get away when Rons rat leapt from his hands causing said boy to chase him, followed by Harry, then Hermione and finally me. A black dog then appeared and dragged Ron down the base of the Whomping Willow so naturally I followed and when I get into the shrieking shack, which is where the tunnel led, I came face to face with Sirius. I gave him a small heart attack as I had called on Athena so I could use her sight. You should of seen his face when my wings came out" Katherine recalled fondly.

"I bet you scared him half to death" James chortled, only laughing harder when Katherine nodded.

"I also ended up punching Peter Pettigrew in the nose" Katherine added, causing James to laugh so hard no sounds were coming from him.

"You didn't?" asked Lily with a small laugh.

"Oh yeah. Broke his nose" Katherine replied with a small grin, getting a high five off Lily. "That was also the year that me, the twins and Lee stuck all of dads furniture to the ceiling" Katherine added causing James to set off laughing again. And this is how the day fell into the evening, the trio sharing stories and fond memories.


As October started Katherine had started to get restless. She knew it was only a matter of time before it happened. Athena and Elise were itching to come out but both of them knew it wasn't safe. Death toll had been climbing higher and higher and now most of the Wizarding World had gone underground. Well those that wouldn't join You-Know-Who. Last Katherine heard the twins had decided to close the shop as it was becoming increasingly more unsafe to stay open and they had moved back to the burrow to stay with Molly. The others had taken to calling James, Lily and Katherine by nicknames in case they were overheard. Embers, Prongs and Doe were they only names they were now known by. As the houses they were in had been hidden by a Fidelius Charm that Katherine had performed and made herself secret keeper no one could find them. Even if they scoured the earth twice the death eaters would never find them. With Katherine ability to change her appearance she was safe enough to go and get food shopping, but as for anything else the three of them stayed hidden.

Before any of them knew it, November had rolled passed and December had started. Katherine was laying in her bed watching the sun rise. She had recently found out that her dad and Tonks were expecting. She hadn't found out until recently as Remus didn't want his daughter to risk he safety by coming to find him. Ron had left Hermione and Harry and was at shell cottage with Bill and Fleur. Katherine was worried about Hermione and Harry, she wanted to keep them safe so badly but knew there was nothing she could do. She let out a lone tear as she finally felt her emotions hit her at once. She had refused to cry since leaving Hogwarts back in June and now she couldn't keep it in. She pulled herself up against her headboard as she cried. Suddenly two pairs of arms wrapped around her.

James and Lily had been talking quietly in their room when they had heard Katherines sobs, looking at each other they both climbed out of bed and headed into her room, sitting either side of her, they both held her as she cried. They both knew what she was going through wasn't fair, she deserved to live a life full of happiness and joy. She simply deserved the world. But in this moment the only thing Katherine needed, was comfort.


A week after her small breakdown Katherine was getting ready to go to the local supermarket, it was time for her to replenish the stocks in the house. She liked going before they had run out of everything so then she didn't need to go out quite as frequently. Taking some muggle money that she had in an envelope from Sirius, she placed it into her back pocket before heading down the stairs.

"I'm going to the supermarket Aunt Lily!" Katherine shouted from the front door.

"Make sure you've changed your appearance Kat!" Lily shouted back causing Katherine to curse under her breath. She had forgotten. Closing her eyes she changed her hair colour, eye colour and height and rushed out the door. Apparating to a near by alley way she walked out and rounded the corner into the supermarket, grabbing a basket she made her way around the shop grabbing all the things they would need. Halfway around the shop she noticed people following her. Discreetly looking over her shoulder she quickly finished her shopping. Checking out just as quickly she exited the shop and disappeared down the alley way before apparating away.

"Aunt Lily im home!" Katherine called into the house, her voice shaking slightly. Hoping that the tremor in her voice had gone unnoticed she made her way into the kitchen.

"Kat, are you alright?" Lily asked walking into the kitchen, closely followed by James.

"Not really Aunt Lily. I could have sworn I was being followed around the shop" Katherine said quietly.

"Do you know who they were?" James asked, taking over putting the food away whilst Lily guided a trembling Katherine to the dining table.

"I only recognised one of them. They were definitely both death eaters though" Katherine grumbled placing her head on the table.

"Who was it you recognised" Lily asked quietly.

"Bellatrix Lestrange" Katherine spat. She hated the woman to be honest, apart from You-Know-Who and Fenrir Greyback, Bellatrix was the only other person she wished death on.

"Why where they there though? It's a bit odd that there were two death eaters in a muggle supermarket" James commented.

"I think they were there for me. I don't know how but I'm pretty sure they know that I've been doing our shopping there" Katherine gritted out. She hated that they may have found her, she hated the danger she was putting James and Lily in just by being around. Katherine looked out the window and sighed before dropping her gaze to her hands.

"How much food do we have now?" Lily asked out of nowhere.

"About two months' worth. I always go shopping two weeks before we are due to run out. Why?" Katherine asked.

"Because you wont be going out again unless we are desperate Kat. I will not risk your safety. Remus would never forgive either of us if anything happened to you" Lily said pulling Katherine into a small hug.

"Nothing will happen to me Aunt Lily. Besides there isn't a person alive who could out duel me right now" Katherine grinned causing James to laugh.


Alright, the next few chapters are going to be short. I didn't want to do the cliché kidnapping thing so the character has gone into hiding with James and Lily, yes there will be a little bit of drama but I just wanted to let you all know.

love you x

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