Part one : I loved you

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Disclaimer: I don't remember what it feels like to be a kid so everything will be 3rd person and maybe not as detailed as you wish. But don't worry the rest will be better 😉


Y/N always hated school, more than everything. She felt like she was out of it. She loves learning but struggled at making friends. She remembers vividly a morning before school, she was crying out loud, begging her mom to let her skip classes. She remembers her mom told her that school was not optional and she had to go. She also said that every day is a new day and who knows what would happen? And her mom was right. On this day of 2nd grade, she met Bill and Tom.

Y/N never really became friends with them, even though the boys were her favourite people at school. Boys and girls don't really mix in kindergarten, but the twins were always sweet to her. Among all the kids at school, they were the only ones offering to play with her. She felt like Tom was always being friendly, she even heard him defend her once. Kids can be mean to each other, but Bill and Tom always held her back.

By the end of the school year, their mum even exchanged their numbers so that the twins and Y/N could see each other during summer. But they never did, Y/N was too shy to ask for the boys to come over and the boys didn't feel the need to see Y/N.

On the very first day of her 3rd year of school, Y/N peed herself in class because the teacher wouldn't let her go to the restroom. Everybody laughed at her, and she was crying again.

Tom approached her during the break:

- Hey, Y/N!

- Oh please, don't laugh at me too!

- No, I pee myself too sometimes, when I'm scared. And Bill does too. He smiles at you. Do you want to come to my birthday this week-end?

And watching him in his eyes, while he comforts her and feeling like everybody hates her, she thought:

- Tom Kaulitz, I love you.




Here it is with the first part, I know it's a bit short! For now, it's the only part in the past, but would you like throwbacks along the story??? And please tell me what you're thinking about it <3

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