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It has been a few weeks since the birthday party.

You can tell we're officially a group of friends, Tom notwithstanding. He stopped avoiding you after the party, but not for the best. As Anna is obviously trying to hit on him, he takes the time to remind you how beautiful he is and how every woman wants him. He is super cocky and you just want to punch him in the face. You don't know what's worse: being ignored or his new attitude.

- What do you think I should wear?

Anna shows you 2 drastically different outfits: a beautiful laced-dress or baggy clothes.

- Dress to be slutty, jeans to be comfortable. As you want.

- Y/N, you don't understand! This is our first date! It has to be perfect. She groans

- I do understand, don't worry! You chuckle. Tonight, is your big night with Tom but do you know what will happen next? If it's serious go for the comfy clothes, if it's a one-night thing, pick the slutty outfit. You advise her.

You're a bit sad for Anna. You feel like she hopes way more than Tom can offer. She was the one asking for a date, and he was the one bragging to everyone about this. His exact words to me were "See, girls love me so much they grow a pair and ask me out.". The thing is, Anna had a bigger pair than him way before crushing on him.

She's sitting on your bed, trying to take a decision. She decided to get dressed here so she would have male approbation before leaving. She commissioned Gustav and Georg to be honest with her and tell her what Tom would think of the outfit.

- Do you know where he is going to take you? You ask

- No, I have no idea! We did not talk about it. It's a surprise, I think. She smiles, a bit dreamy. This girl is definitely falling.

- C'mon, hurry up! You're supposed to meet him in 40 minutes and you're not even close to ready yet! You laugh at her

You check your computer to see where he could take her tonight. There are quite a lot of good places in the area, but all are closed at night. Except for restaurants and cinemas. You inform Anna about this and you both agree that the restaurant option would be romantic and maybe lead to something serious while the cinema is definitely just a make-out session.

- I'm done!

- Oh god! You look stunning! You shout.

She decided to wear the dress as a long skirt, added with a regular white tank top and she found a jacket in your wardrobe. The overall looks pretty amazing. Her hair is done in a simple claw clip and her makeup looks so natural you're not sure she's wearing some. She literally glows.

- You've got to show the boys! But as a woman, I'm so jealous of you! You wink at her.

She went downstairs to the kitchen. Only Gustav was there, making an attempt to cook green beans.

- Anna, wow... He is speechless. I swear if you were not dating Tom tonight, I would have offered you a date, he winks at her.

She blushed a bit and thanked him. We waited a while in the kitchen before Tom knocked on our door to pick Anna up.

He looks absolutely handsome. You could swear he's wearing contouring; his jawline looks immaculate. You open your mouth a bit, forgetting how to breathe. After all, it's not because you despise him that you can't have a look.

He sees you fixing him and scoffs a bit. You blush a little, kind of ashamed to show him he is indeed pleasant to look at. You can't let him win this point, even if it's true.

- Oh, it's not about you! I feel sorry for Anna, she looks perfect and you just look... regular I guess? You send him a spade

- Yeah sure, He laughs at you, totally knowing you were checking him out.

Anna picked up her purse and they left.

- So, how do you feel about this? Gustav asks you

- Why? Should I feel something specific about it? You side-eye him

- Let's be fair. You totally want him too. He raises his eyebrow at you.

- No, I don't. Okay, he's nice-looking but a shitty person. Destroys all the sex appeal. I'd rather date Georg. Georg is nice and pretty, on the contrary.

- No, no, no. I don't believe your shit. You can say all you want but you and Tom, you're so gonna hook up one day. He laughs

- Ain't no way. Plus, you forget he is dating Anna tonight.

- So what? Last week he was dating Heather from math class.

You freeze a bit. You know Tom is a player, but Anna really looks like she has a thing for him. You're not sure if she's completely aware she might not be the one.

Tom and Anna had left for about 15 minutes when you received a text from her.


- ???

- He didn't plan anything :/

- ????

- He said I was the one asking for a date. He expected me to organize it.


- No, not funny :P

- Let me check what you can do <3

You quickly grab your computer. You don't want them to go to the restaurant, so she doesn't get fake hopes. You don't want them to just hook up as well, just to protect her. You look for something on Facebook, in case there is something cool to do tonight. And you find something!

- Go to Harper Road. The aquarium organizes a cocktail party tonight ;)

- Thx <3 <3 <3

You smile. You would have so wanted to go to the aquarium too! But you're happy for her. She's going to pull Tom Kaulitz!




Here is today's part! I'm not sure I'll have the time to write more as I have to go back to France today :/ Please tell me what you think about it <3

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