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.i'm talking about this nicky minaj. 2013 nicky minaj


- Tina! You run to her.

She looks just like Nicky Minaj! Same makeup, same hairstyle, same clothes... That girl always hated turtlenecks and now she's definitely having revenge... She slays!

- This is Astrid, Linda and Georg, don't know if you remember them, you point at each of your friends.

- You invited a boy to wedding dress shopping? Tina seems shocked.

- I need a boy's opinion! You smile. Who's going to tell me if my ass truly look great?

- Us, maybe?

- No, you're going to hype me up. He will get horny, makes a huge difference, you laugh.

- When is Charlotte coming? Astrid interrupts you.

- She doesn't come, Georg speaks for you. She's a bitch.

- Thank you, Georg, you tap his shoulder.

Charlotte. The bitch. You hate her, you wish both sides of her pillows are warm. It's not really your type to hate a former friend. Even if it ended on a very bad note, like Anna for example, you still remember these people have been important for you at some point. But Charlotte... Got shivers down my spine just thinking about it.

She was very glad when you sat next to her, ate with her because she wasn't speaking to anyone else in your class. She was even happier to sleep over at your place before exams, or each time her so-called boyfriend dumped her. You should have sensed it, there were hints.... Like when you offered her to come over but it wasn't for her interest (interests listed above), but you thought it were just coincidence. No. Really not.

Charlotte found a job in Bali, with someone else from your former class. She kept up the first week, and then you noticed there were less stories on her Instagram, but you thought it was because she was getting used to her life. And then, the cross on Snapchat appeared. The bitch deleted you from all her social medias now that she has friends of her own, without a single explanation.

That's why she deserves to have both side of her pillow warm.


. Pinterest board here: https://pin.it/2y4zj7s

. I'm very sorry, I can't please everyone here. I tried to pick something modern in the 2013 collection. Of course, you can imagine whatever you want but I had to make a choice for the description


- Oh my god. Look at this one! It's so beautiful! You touch the fabric.

- Meh, probably too much lace for Georg.

- Ooooh, Linda is moved. I want one too.

- Soon, Georg coughs discreetly.

- Knowing half of these are going to end up getting divorced, Astrid seems disgusted.

- Maybe, but no my half, you quickly stop her in the "single is better" thoughts.

- Hello ladies and, gentleman, the saleswoman had to stop when she saw Georg. Who is the lucky girl today?

- Me, you reach a higher note than Michael Jackson. That's excitement.

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