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. As Gustav's daughter's name is private and well-kept, I'll simply call her Gustava. Or you can comment another name you prefer and I might change it? Idk...


. July 3rd


- Y/N, I can't believe you're there! That's Linda greeting you.

She has changed a lot. She looks like a mother now, with these huge dark circles due to her short nights.

- I wouldn't miss it for the world, you politely smile. You'd miss it for 1€ but that's another discussion.

You're glad to be there. You're still quite touched by Gustav's invitation. A BBQ is chill, a BBQ is a nice place to talk around, it's friendly.

- I'm sorry, the place is a real mess. Gustav did not tell me you were coming. Linda apologizes.

You wouldn't say her place is a real mess, you'd say it's a home where a baby crawls and plays. A pink baby walker is in the middle of the living room, as well as Kaplas everywhere on the floor and Zhu Zhu pets near the baby parc.

- Georg is already there, you can put your bag next to his stuff, she shows you a spot on the sofa.

Georg is there? You thought you'd be the only one invited. You realize it was super silly of you. Of course, Gustav invited all the squad. Maybe not all of them are coming, at least you hope. By not all of them you're thinking about someone in particular. You realize you're being childish and if Astrid was acting the way you do, you'd be pissed off. It's just a meal and okay, he will be there but does it mean it's going to be terrible? You thought seeing Bill would be terrible, but it was not. Seeing Georg was a bit awkward but you're sure it's just a matter of time. You have someone, he has someone. What could possibly go wrong? You can't just pretend he doesn't exist forever. He was your first real love and denying it just makes you feel bad. You're almost 28, you can't avoid your problems all your life. And seeing your ex shouldn't be a problem. If Nina Dobrev can work and kiss her ex every day on set, then you should be able to handle a lunch with minimal interactions.

That's with confidence that you step into the lion's den.

- Hey, you wave at Georg and Gustav, sitting under the beach umbrella.

Gustav's garden is nice. A small city garden yet very welcoming and warm. Colourful flowers are adorning the edges: dahlias, gladiolus, roses... It looks like a magical garden. In a corner, a plastic green and orange slide calls for amusement. There is also a small swing. You can tell Gustav's daughter is the happiest baby. On the other side, there is a small tubular pool, but it's more than enough for a family of three.

- You're here just in time! It's bottle time! Gustav looks happy to see you.

- Only moment of the day when she doesn't scream or cry, Georg jokes.

- She doesn't cry that much; Gustav rolls his eyes.

- She makes a lot of noise anyway.

- Here she is! Gustav gets up from his chair to welcome Linda and a sleepy baby girl in her arms.

- [gasp sound] She's so big! How can she only be one? You turn to Georg, all shocked.

- That's because Daddy gives her chocolate when Mommy turns her back. Linda smiles.

She puts the kid on the floor and the little girl immediately hides behind her mom's legs. She's fixing you and sucks her thumb.

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