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. (Part 1 because this chapter is already getting so long haha)



First months of your last year in uni are done. Surprisingly, you do not feel seasonal depression this year, everything is perfect! Classes? Almost over. Astrid? Still doesn't know about your engagement. Your apartment? If you don't get attention from Tom (yes, sometimes he has to shower) then you have Eros by your side.

Buddy has you all under his thumb. He was not allowed at all to jump on the sofa nor the bed, and you stuck really hard to this rule. But that was before Tom got the flu (stupid boy thought he could go out in a t-shirt under the October rain). Eros cried behind the door for hours, scratching at the door. When you came home from classes, Tom let him in. Ever since, the dog has had his rights in your bedroom. You do the best you can for him to not jump on the bed because it's quite dirty, but you always wake up with him sleeping on your feet. You are so grateful for this stubborn angel.

Having a dog brought you and Tom together. You thought moving in together was the peak of your relationship, but you were wrong. You thought being engaged was the new peak of your relationship, well this one is partially true. But adopting Eros creates a whole new dynamic in your couple, maybe more mature than before. More responsible, yet Tom always makes you feel like you're in a teenage dream. You don't think being with him will ever stop feeling like this. Together, you can just be two carefree kids, and you cherish this feeling.

This Halloween, you are not invited to Sadie's party. Last year was a disaster and she doesn't want you near her place that night. Astrid was invited but decided to support you and refuse the invitation. So you're going to celebrate Halloween with the boys. For the first time, the twins agree about you coming to their open-scene thing. It will be the first time you'll ever see Tom play live (and dressed up). You can't wait for him. You prepared a shirt with a picture of him and wrote "I'm in love with Tom Kaulitz" and other typical fan shirt phrases. You are ready to be their groupie! Gustav and Georg will also play with them. So it will only be you and Astrid as spectators. The bar set a "Phantom of the Opera" theme for the night, and all songs must fit it. You don't know how the boys are going to handle it but you know it will be epic! They told you more or less than 15 groups already applied to play that night, it will be so interesting!

You and Tom dressed up as Hercules and Megara to fit the theme. How does it fit, would you think? Phantom of the Opera is a musical, just like Notre Dame. Notre Dame is also a Disney movie, just like Hercules. Okay, you don't see the link at first glance but there is a link! Plus, this outfit shows Tom's amazing muscles, for your greater pleasure! Bill dresses up like the group Ghost, which fits his personal aesthetic already. Gustav is dressed like a doctor during the Plague, with this scary face mask. This costume really creeps you out, and knowing it has been a "normal" attire for decades is even worse! Georg is dressing up like Beetlejuice, dying his hair green. He will never be able to get the highlights off, you're already laughing about it!

- Don't give him tap water, it's bad for his kidneys. Here is the filtered water. And he usually wants to pee around 10 so don't forget to walk him, here is the leash. Tom gives the direction.

- This dog receives better treatment than I do, Charlotte remarks.

- That's because your boyfriend sucks. And remember, no treats and especially not chocolate! You tell her.

Charlotte is the assigned dog 'sitter tonight. If Eros was younger, you wouldn't mind leaving him alone but he has had peeing problems recently so he needs extra care. Anyway, Charlotte never wants to hang out but is in love with Eros too, so her role tonight was obvious. You make her repeat what Tom said, to make sure she gets it. Even if it's a few hours, you can't help worrying. This dog is your baby, you are responsible for its well-being. Tom and you take the assignment extra seriously.

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