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Tom immediately sent Bill a text, asking him to come over to your place tomorrow at 3:30. It's pretty late, he can't come over now even if you can tell Tom can't wait to tell his twin. Plus, it's your (you & Tom) night. You are a you; you are a we. It sounds like music in your head. You already were a we but now he is your fucking fiancé and it gives everything a much brighter colour. You are living la vie en rose.

You think it's the first time in months you did not have sex, but what you did was way more intimate. You just talked about everything and nothing, your fears and hopes, your loves and hates, for hours. You did not stop to touch each other for a second, a hand laying there, a finger playing here... but nothing sexual. Even in your sleep, you were still holding hands.

What you feared the most is actually what makes you feel all light and flying, your heart may explode with joy. Being engaged is the greatest pleasure you've ever felt.

Tom has to get up 3 hours before you do, but you were awake anyway, watching your fiancé get ready. You can't stop thinking about this word. Fiancé, it sounds perfect. He is fiancé material, way more than boyfriend material. And you are his fiancée. It makes you blush. You are engaged!

You have no idea how you can contain your happiness and not tell absolutely anyone at the lecture today. Tom looks ravished too! His cheeks are colourful and he irradiates joy.

- I love you, he kisses you goodbye before leaving.

- Good luck with your exam, you smile.




Keeping the secret was the hardest thing ever. That's all you can think about. Tom. Happiness. Tom bringing you happiness. You were in your own little bubble of joy and contentment. Astrid immediately spotted something was going on but you and Tom agreed Bill had to be the first one to know! So you simply told her it was because you realized you could go to Las Vegas and get as drunk as you want because it was now legal for you. She believed you; at least you hope. But how could she know?

You've been playing with your fingers all day, and you swear you could feel the weight of your future ring on your finger. It felt surprisingly amazing.

Tom was home before you did so he ordered some pizza for tonight.

- Hi honey, your voice is dripping with love and happiness.

- Hello sweetheart, he is all smiley and immediately rushes to kiss you.

Your own little bubble.

He grabs your hand as soon as he gets close enough to you and you don't let him go. His hand belongs in yours.


You are sitting on the sofa, waiting for Bill to arrive, still hands in hand. He was telling you about his exam and his next night out at the open scene with Bill.

3 knocks on the door.

- I'm too lazy to move, you chuckle to Tom.

- Ugh same, he smiles.

- It's your twin, you have to get up, you tease.

- And as his twin, I know he was taught to open a door by himself. COME IN, he shouts across the apartment.

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