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. July 7-8-9th


- How pretty are the boys in LA? Astrid only cares about one thing.

- Couldn't tell you, you almost sigh.

- Ah, yes, right. She shakes her head. You're with Chris now. You did a good thing keeping your eyes for yourself, she supports you.

- That's not exactly what I meant.

- Don't tell me you were too busy with seeing Bill again to not see any other boys, she starts to sermon you.

Astrid doesn't know how much happened with Bill in LA. For example, she only knows about Bill, and God knows how many more people there were. You have to tell her everything.

- Pretty much. You admit. I saw him almost every day.

- Y/N... That's not good! It starts with one twin and the other comes straight away. These two are never far from each other.

- Not exactly. It's gossip time. Let me finish first! You menace her. I was supposed to only see Bill once. He offered me a restaurant and we had a very good time. And I know what you're thinking, but Bill is not harmful. And don't tell me you don't miss him just a tiny bit. Well, probably not. These two fought like cats and dogs.

Then it was Friday night. I couldn't spend a Friday night alone, right? It would have been pathetic. So, I offered him to eat at my place. Astrid rolls her eyes. And there was this little incident that caused us to drive across LA to join Georg. She opens her mouth to sermon you.

I said, let me finish! He was in a bit of trouble, so we tried to help him. But we failed, so we had to call Gustav. Do you know Gustav's daughter is already 1? She's the cutest! Astrid shakes her head. You know Gustav is the only one I kept contact with, so when he offered me to have a barbecue last Sunday, I couldn't just say no, you explain.

That's how I ended up seeing 3 out of 4 of them in a day. I thought the barbecue would just be Linda, Gustav and I, but I was wrong.

- You're so stupid! Astrid comments. Put a Kaulitz on her way and the girl loses all logic, she talks to an invisible man.

- I did not lose my mind! You defend yourself. I was just happy to reunite with some college friends! And it was actually a bit more complicated than that. Because the whole team was at the barbecue, including Tom's new fiancée! You leave a bit of silence for the surprise effect. Astrid already knew about Nathalia, but it doesn't mean she was expecting you to see her again.

I love her by the way. Because Bill made a scene and invited me to have dinner at his place, and she was there. He said he invited me because he doesn't stand her. I honestly think she's really nice. Astrid raises an eyebrow.

She invited me for coffee on Tuesday and we really got along. But in the meantime, Bill made a few scenes about how much he missed me and he wanted to spend as much time as possible together. And I missed Bill too, so I said yes. We had a really great time on Wednesday. Then Thursday we went to the restaurant to celebrate me coming back to Germany and everybody came, including Linda.

- I want to slap you in the face. Astrid looks a bit mad. I spent an entire year peeling you off the wall for you to run into the trap as soon as I'm not supervising. You were supposed to work in LA! Not have a college reunion! Seeing Bill once, I could have understood. But pretty much every day? What were you thinking? And Tom? What happened with him? Because you've been pretty silent about his case. That means everything young girl! I won't waste my time once more!

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