238 6 22


. (I'm sorry I really messed up the timeline so Gustav and Georg are younger than they should be)



It's finally Georg's birthday, meaning your birthday party is this week-end! You couldn't wait for it anymore. You have the perfect outfit in mind and couldn't wait to show it off.

But the first thing is Georg's birthday! He is turning 22!

Tom told you they shared a class from 2 to 3 today so you decided to skip class this afternoon.

You sneak into his room, Bill opened the front door. You offered Astrid to come too but she said she didn't want to.

You open the first bag you bought: Happy Birthday silver balloons. You put the straw in and start blowing. This shit is hard to start but once the first breath is in, it becomes quite easy.

The dimensions are smaller than you expected but it's fine anyway. You grab the double-sided tape and climb on his undone bed. You tape the balloon banner above his bed and check your work. It's off-centred but it will be the least of his worries, you mischievously smile.

Second bags of balloons: two exemplars of "2". You place the straw again but went too far in one of them and break it.

- Fuck, you speak to yourself.

- Language young lady, Bill is just in front of the door, wondering what you are doing.

You roll your eyes at him and laugh a bit.

- Can you take my bag and go buy a two-shaped balloon, please?

- Nope. Your shit.

- You're the worst brother-in-law ever, you sigh.

- Brother-in-law? Gustav comes out of nowhere.

- Aren't you supposed to be in class? You ask him.

- I return the compliment. Brother-in-law? Did I miss something? He smirks.

- Do you see a ring? You simply reply, a bit panicked. You exchange a look with Bill, who's all smiling.

- Right. Gustav is visibly suspicious. What are you doing here anyway?

- Preparing a birthday gift for Georg! And none of you are helping me, you start getting a bit pissed.

- Yep. Your shit, Bill starts laughing. Why?

- I agree with Bill on this one, Gustav closes the door behind him.

- THEN WHY THE HELL DID YOU COME HERE? You shout across the apartment.

The only response you get is two hyenas laughing.

Okay. Now second "2" balloon. It's okay. You tape the broken one below the banner anyway.

You grab the third bag: transparent heart-shaped balloons with tiny red confetti inside of them. This model is also blown with a straw, making it super easy. You tape 2 out of 5 next to the "Happy Birthday" and let the three remaining ones stay on the bed. You are done with the wall.

You check the time; you still have 40 minutes before their class is over. You hope it will be enough time.

You grab the last bag of balloons: it's a mix of 100 green, red, yellow, blue and pink regular balloons. You have to blow them one by one with your mouth and the strength of your breath. You know it is going to kill you but it's for Georg!

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