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. August 13th

. WARNING: this one is a bit "heavy" to read BUT I swear it's important to understand the process


- I thought of something, he looks very serious.

- Tell me?

- How is she supposed to know her steps? We can't swing or she will hit her head like you did yesterday.

- I did not- you stop yourself. Arguing is useless. You're right, you sigh. We're back to nothing, then, you sum up.

- I practised the first one we made; he plays with his fingers.

- Want to show me?

- Alright, he almost looks shy. Can you go sit on the chair? It feels very weird to dance with emptiness.

- You want me to be on the chair? Your brain fails. Like Nathalia will be? Like I replace her? You're stressing out a bit.

You should have accepted the "hit the head" excuse, because that's the only thing that can explain what happened. His lips are pretty? He is handsome? That's (not) new! It could be alright, because it's obvious, just like 1+2 equals 3, but now that you thought of it, it opened a gate. The forbidden gate. The "his lips used to do amazing things" gate, the "I loved to watch him sleep like a baby" gate, the "mental note to buy him Vaseline" gate. And there is one thing about gates, once they are opened, you always struggle to close them. And you know you shouldn't, but it has been obsessing you all evening, all day, all night. Today, at work, you couldn't stop comparing his lips to the ones you were seeing. And you know it kind of means you're screwed. But you have an amazing key to lock this door forever: you are leaving in 9 days and he is getting married in 6. That's a locker! And something that does not help? He more or less clearly said he would love you forever, and you hate to admit it but you're a hopeless romantic. It's wrong, it's terribly wrong and you should have a talk with Bill or Astrid soon, to kill that idea. The bug used to be Tom, now it's the gate.

- Are you scared? He smirks, noticing you're tensed.

- Kind of, you force a chuckle. I mean, I can't know how she will react. Maybe she will try to kiss you and interrupt the choreo. Who knows?

- That's alright, she can. And I would kiss her back.

- Good thing I'm not Nat, you clap your hands in stress.

- Hmm. Alexa, play Unchained Melody, he plays with his new favourite toy.

"Oh my love, my darling"

You're shivering, but it's only because you love the suave voice of the singer. You have to get in character, and pretend you're Nathalia. That's why he asked you to do that. Pretend, so that he can have an idea of what to expect. He looks like a giraffe trying to walk for the first time, opening and closing his arms in a very weird way. He looks like that guy emoji just standing there, but while moving his arms.

"I've hungered for your touch"

He does what you both thought was a good idea. "I've hungered for your touch" to his wife, it's romantic and it's true. So he points at her, aka you, and lip-syncs the words doing that look. The look that made you kind of uncomfortable yesterday, the look you used to see every day when he thought you weren't seeing him watching you. The look that turned you into a whore so many times. When you first started the "surprise", he asked if it wasn't too weird. It's actually a bit painful, to know that this look you thought was yours is Nathalia's now...

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