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- No, no, no, let me get it straight. You offer a kid an ice cream and you don't even propose to us? Georg complains on the way to the ice rink.

- Don't you remember she said she doesn't like things above 20? Tom adds playfully

- What? Bill looks shocked.

- Stop it! I was talking about ONE music, and commenting about it on the radio. You roll your eyes.

They all start to comment about this and you decide to stay silent for the rest of the ride. Bill is driving, Georg on the passenger seat, Tom is behind him and Gustav is stuck in the middle. You're looking at the pin woods through the window. The landscape is pretty much the same everywhere here. Only trees in sight. The ice rink is about 15 minutes away now, so you start daydreaming in the car, about a perfect love story but not too perfect so it's not boring. You would be a star, in a limo, going to have fun with her co-stars, and paparazzi would be waiting for you. They would shoot pictures of you and pretend you're in a relationship with one of them because you look at him when going out of the car. But deep in your fake mind, you know the love of your life would be waiting for you at home, jealous of it. You try to imagine this perfect boyfriend. You give nice and soft features. And you don't know why, you feel like he would have dreads. No, braids. Yes, totally hot. You sigh, happy about this portrayal when you realize it looks a bit too much like Tom. You shake your head, and decide you would be a single person, empowering her single status and being the hot girl to get. Men all around you, Tom begging for you. No, not Tom. Some imaginary man. You try to focus to imagine someone else. But every time you come back to Tom. It's okay, you're daydreaming. Nobody will ever know about it. This is a temporary thing, right? Probably because of the kiss, and the pool thing. You're going to move on pretty quickly.



- I thought you knew how to skate? Georg mocks you.

- Didn't you say it was tradition for you? Bill adds.

You are gripped to the fence, afraid to fall. You take baby steps per baby steps. Gustav and Tom are already lost in the crowd, ice-skating around the rink while Bill and Gustav seem to think it's funnier to laugh at you.

- I knew how to skate. Different. You try to defend yourself.

You take another baby step and feel like this one was better. You gain confidence and decide to let go of the fence. Another baby step, just to make sure it's okay and you're balanced.

- See, I can skate! You show the boys after 3 small steps, your legs completely locked like a penguin.

It makes them laugh harder and they leave you, joining the other two. You try to follow them, taking a big step, forgetting about how you can't skate. You fall right away. You take a look around you, making sure nobody saw that.

- I saw that, someone says skating near you.

He holds out his hand to you. You look at him, he looks pretty. He has brunette mid-length hair, full lips, and a three-day beard. Very attractive.

- You should try to relax your knees; he shows you by flexing his own.

- Like this? You bend yours too.

- No, this is a bit too much. Try to look for the in-between.

You move again, and when he looks satisfied you guess it's the right position.

- I really feel like I'm going to fall if I keep my knees like this, you say

- Don't worry. It's okay.

You give him a terrified look. It's not. You want to lock your knees again, it felt safer. The boy grabs your wrist, forcing you to follow him on a corner, near a fence.

- See, you have to take big steps! He shows you. Try it.

You grab the fence again and try to take a step. You fail.

- You can't move your feet if you keep your upper body behind, he laughs. Take my hand if you want. He offers you.

You grab his hand and try again. This time, you don't fall but you felt like you would.

- Remember to flex your knees, he adds patiently.

You give him an awkward smile and take another two steps. This time, everything goes well.

- Oh my god! I can skate! you laugh.

- See, it was not that hard! Let's try to make a turn now. He says offering you his hand again and leading you on the rink.

You skate slowly, just in case you would fall again.

- What's your name? He asks

- Y/N. What about you?

- Noé. Where are you from?

- Germany. You suddenly realize he hasn't spoken French to you at all. How did you know I was not French?

- You did not huff when you fell. Pretty significant here.

You laugh a bit and get to know him.

You've been skating for a bit more than 10 minutes but only made 3 turns when you see Georg waving his hand at you.

- I've got to go. My friends are waiting for m. You point them with your head.

- Oh. Well, it was nice to meet you Y/N.

- Nice to meet you too.

You try to join the boys and it took you pretty much forever. You forgot to flex your knees again.




- Oh Noé, Noé, I love you Noé, Gustav try to imitates you on the way back to the cottage.

- Shut up. He was nice, that's all.

- Don't lie to us young girl, we saw you holding hands, Georg adds.

- Because I kept on falling!

- So, you're this kind of girl? Holding hands on the first date, that's naughty. Bill fakes a bad look to you.

- C'mon guys, you left me alone! And it was not a date, you roll your eyes.

You look at Tom, waiting for him to say something too. But he stayed silent the whole ride.

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