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Tom has kept on talking about the open scene bar for hours. Poor him, you fell asleep on the phone while he explained something about guitars. It was interesting, but way too late for you to follow up.

You took all your time to move out. You wanted to cry because you are going to live with a boy, but you already lived with Gustav and Georg, so it is not really relevant. You're just not ready to fight for the toilet seat again... Astrid and you had a long hug once your room was fully empty and all your boxes in the car. Both of you felt very emtional but knew greater things were coming.

The twins both had really red and teary eyes when you met in front of your new apartment. It broke your heart; you know they have lived together all their life and it will be the first time they live separated. Okay, Tom was at your place half of the time, but it was not definitive. But they are 20, it's not like they can live in the same house forever!

As what you have to move in was very limited (aka only a mattress), only Bill came to help you. You are now sitting crossed-leg in the middle of your new living room, creating a messed up triangle and drinking tea and instant coffee out of cardboard cups. You do not own anything here, you don't even have plates and glasses yet, this is the main topic of your discussion. You are going to buy all your furniture at Emmaus and try to find some free items at flea markets or from friends and family.

(Disclaimer: I looked it up on Google and the 2010s kitchen looks nothing like I remember lmao. I'm not sure about the accuracy of the next conversation haha)

- I want a nice kitchen with red walls! Tom starts

- Yes, shiny furniture where I can see my reflection! Bill dreams with him.

- And a grey splashback too! And comfy chairs, Tom adds, and TV in the kitchen!

- Are you aware or kitchen is also the living room? You chuckle.

You are a bit more realistic. You know you will never find modern furniture in Emmaus, you can even estimate yourself lucky if it's less than 10 years old.

- My dad said he can give us a table. You inform Tom.

- The nice one in the living room? He looks very interested, it's not the first time he talks about this table.

- No, the one in the corner of the kitchen.

- Is that even a table? I thought it was a stool for fat people... He seems disappointed.

- At least it's free, you try to see the bright side.

You have nightmares of this table, your parents using it as a real table and not an extra shelf, with 2 plates on top of it and already out of space. You are glad it's only you and Tom here, otherwise this table would be way too small!

- I'll pretend I understand what you're talking about, Bill sighs.

- You don't have to pretend. We're talking about a table, are you stupid? Tom replies.

- No but like what does the table look like? So I can have an opinion too, he sounds outraged.

- The table is ugly, that's it! There are drawings Y/N made on the legs.

- Don't criticize my beautiful Inspector Gadget!

- Yes, sure, it's a real piece of art, Tom rolls his eyes.

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