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. (part 1 and you'll get why)



Everything is ready for tonight. Bill and Tom's 22! They are the one getting old and not you, that's what you like about their birthday. You're way more excited about their birthday than yours. You've been thinking about it for a while. You want to play this year. It will all be a big game for you.

You're in a playful mood since you started work. It's your 4th day, and it's as hard as the first one. Stella is the Queen of bitches, she'd be a great friend with Lena. Working with Riley is weird. It's weird because he can be super friendly one minute and remind you dumped him the second after. It's weird, because you don't dare to be friends with him. He's going to be your co-worker, you're going to see him 5 days a week, but Tom. He sulked for 2 days, it would break him to know you're friends with Riley. He only accepts it because he knows he can't rule your life and that your relationship with your co-worker is rather cold. But what if it's not cold anymore? You can't do that to him.

- This noise is very stressful, you were playing with your nails.

Your day is over in 7 minutes, you're ready to turn off your computer and run to your car.

You have a very short timing. Phase one, the beginning of your game. Phase two, getting ready for tonight. Phase three, celebrating the birthday boys. Phase four, playing. You have less than an hour for phase one, which includes going home, playing and going home again. Any lateness in your schedule would ruin everything. That's why, in 6 minutes now, you'll run out of this place.

You wish you won't see Candace in the corridors. She's the woman that helped you on your first day, the one that told you which office you'll be working in. She's the only one that doesn't talk to you like shit, you like her. If you see her in the corridors, you'll have to talk with her to build your relationship. However, your schedule doesn't allow relationship-building today.

These 5 minutes won't go any faster just taping on your desk. Maybe you should pretend to work. Oh! Pretend to read your e-mails, that's the perfect pretending. There's a circular about the Paris trip. You lied to Tom on this one. You said the whole marketing team was coming. It's actually just Riley, and you as he is forming you. You're going to be in an Ibis nearby the Accor Arena, it's only 34 minutes away from the Eiffel Tower. It means you'll be able to go see it sparkling every night. You can't wait!

59, you can log out now. It's pretty much the same as 17h sharp.

- What are you doing? Riley reprimands you.

- Leaving.

- It's 4:59.

- Not anymore, the hour just changed.

- It's very unprofessional.

- Tom's birthday! As if it was a justification for everything.

You're already running down the stairs, you see the target: the car.

- Hey, Y/N! Already leaving? Oh no, it's Candace...




Phase one. The funniest phase.

Candace talked with you for less than 5 minutes. You told her you were in a rush, and she understood.

You found everything that was needed for your fun. You have the chocolates, the lingerie and the condoms. There's only one person in front of you at checkout before phase one officially becomes funny.

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