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- How do I look?

- Not slutty enough! Show it all! Nice advice.

- If I was listening to you, I'd go naked, you roll your eyes.

- At least you'd get the job, he mischievously smiles.

It's mid-August, and you've been looking for a decent work for almost 4 months. All you are now is jobless, after not one, not two but thirteen failed job interviews. You'd kill yourself if Tom weren't here to support you. He did not struggle to find a job at all, looks like being a graduated engineer is more valuable than being a graduated language expert. He has found a nice 9-16 as a cashier. It's not a dream job, but that's a stable income. And his guitar business is increasing, he went from one student to four. That's improvement. You improved too, you're now able to do crosswords without having to look them up in the dictionary. Maybe you can add it to your resumé? Maybe that will be the thing that'll get you a job!

- That was mean, yes, it hurts.

You've tried everything to be professional. You don't get why you can't get a job. You had nice summer experiences, you're nice, Tom tells you you're pretty. But there is always that one thing that scares interviewers: when they ask where do you picture yourself in 10 years and you answer that you're getting married next month and you might have babies by then. Interviewers want lifeless women; no partner, no baby wishes and no personal life. Problem is: you have a partner; you're going to take long holidays for your honeymoon and people are expecting you to be pregnant within 2 years when you say that. You could work as a cashier too, but Tom only accepted because he knows he wants to work in the music industry. You can't. If you say yes to a "mediocre" job now, you're stuck forever. You have to set the bar as high as possible, right here right now.

- I feel like this one is the one, he tries to cheer you up.

- You said that for the last seven ones, you force a smile.

- No, I think you're perfect for this one!

- What am I applying for? You trap him.

- Hum, something with languages? He avoids your look.

- Right. Something with languages.

- And knocking on doors. Or phone calls maybe! Or coffee, for sure!

- Sounds like the job description of a Jehovah witness, you chuckle.

- I'm so lucky your faith didn't make you wait until marriage, he jokes.

- I'm a bad witness, what do you want?




- How do you picture yourself in 10 years? That's it, that's the question that will ruin your interview.

- I picture myself happy and blossoming, you try to avoid the terrible baby part.

- How about your professional life? Fine, no pregnancy trap.

- I wish I could travel the world, that's why I studied languages. I also love being in contact with customers, so I hope I'll be able to mix travelling and keeping up with customers.

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