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The lift opens and you rush to the cafeteria. You check the tables from afar, hoping to spot them. Yet, no trace of braids nor spiky hair sitting at any table. You try to seem calm and walk through the chairs, as if they would magically appear. Some people having breakfast are judging you, you look crazy. You try to keep your ideas clear; both of the twins are gone. Meaning Tom has certainly not been involved in a threesome, it would be really gross. And you know Bill enough to know he'd refuse to go to some girl's place without being involved. You hope. Because he could have passed out and Tom would have been free to follow his desires.

The twins are not here, you give up. You go back to your room, hoping you just missed them while you were in the cafeteria and they are home. It's 8:30, and deep in your heart you know they're still sleeping but you wish deeply that they came home.

You try to watch TV again, devoured by anxiety. Everything could have happened! Cheating, robbed, hot model, murdered, orgie... Or worse: Cheating on you with a hot model (possibly Anna) while they get robbed and lead into an orgie before being murdered. You can't focus on the screen. It's useless but you have to go look for Tom again.

You knocked on Gustav's door, again.

- Y/N if it's you, consider yourself a dead person! He doesn't like being woken twice in the same morning.

- You can bury me if you want but please, do you happen to have seen the boys? Have they come back?

- No. LET ME SLEEP NOW, his voice sounds teary.

Okay. You're going to leave him alone. You hope it will haunt him forever if something has happened. You don't go to Georg's, you know they are not here and you don't want to be yelled at again.

You go back to your room, grab a piece of paper and a pen and leave a note: "I'm at the beach. Please call me when you get home."

You tried to call them a thousand times but all you got was an answering machine.

You need to walk. Need to forget for a moment that you lost your fiancé and his twin. Need to think everything is well and you did not get cheated on last night.

The beach is super close; there is even sand near the hotel. Even if it's early morning, the sun is heating deliciously on your face. You offer your skin to the sun, hoping to get a bit tanned throughout your walk. The sea air smells so good and fresh, giving a new life to your lungs. You wished you could live by the beach, but you know you'd miss the German countryside at some point.

In the sand, there are footsteps of animals and humans. Some shells too. You pick up a big one, you'll keep it as a memory from Ibiza. About 50 meters from where you are, you can spot two giant sea urchins. That's amazing. You take the time to watch the wave dancing on the shore and calmly walk to the sea urchins. As you go closer, they start to look odd. You understand it's just two idiots who buried themselves in the sand. You smile, this is definitely something the boys could do. You continue walking and recognize the braids... This is not something the boys could do, this is something the boys did. You run to them, relieved to have finally found the twins! How the hell are both of them buried?

You don't know how to react. Laugh? Be mad for leaving you? Are you supposed to wake them up? They look sleeping.

There is no good reaction. If you wait here, they'd think you're a freak who cannot live without them (not far from the truth but gosh, they could have been killed!!!) but you can't just leave like nothing happened. Yet, it's still the best solution... Let them live and be mad when they come home. And also find out who buried them, because one twin could have done it to the other but not the other way around.

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