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Tom's side of the family is way funnier than yours! Bill is the heart and soul of the party, everyone listens to him and laughs. Here, you could eat as much as you wanted and even made a competition with the twins' cousin to see who could stuff more fries in their mouth. You proudly won, but she is 4, so she had absolutely no chance against you. Nobody said anything about you and Tom holding hands, and they even complimented you.

The presents were given before dessert and you were amazed at how much was given! In your family, each of you had only one gift, here everybody was spoiled! You and Tom offered Bill summer courses at Berlin's Conservatory. The twins' family got you chocolate, making you smile. Tom got tickets for Aerosmith's upcoming tour, caps and a Thermomix he'll share with Bill. You couldn't help but laugh at this one, even with all the robotic help of the world, these two can't cook.

After an amazing chocolate mousse, Tom's mom put some old music on and everybody was dancing in the living room. You really bonded with Tom's little cousin, the one that was dancing on his feet at the wedding. You are both talking on the sofa while Tom makes his mom dance.

- Me? I have 5 boyfriends! Celia says proudly.

- 5? Wow, I'm impressed! What are their names?

- There is Max, she starts counting on her little fingers, and Finn, and Leon, and Matteo and Noah.

- And which one is your favourite?

- Finn, because he always brings me Smarties during lunch break.

That girl knows her priority.

- But Max is more pretty.

- Is he?

- Yes, and you know what? She blushes, getting all shy like kids do. He kissed me on the cheek the other day. But this a secret!

- No way, you fake being shocked.

- What are you two talking about? Tom interrupts you.

- Hum, you interrupt an interesting girl's talk, you tease him.

- Yes, his cousin agrees, nodding her head.

- Can I be a girl and talk with you? Look, I have braids! He asks.

- But you are not a girl! She refuses.

Oh boy, he is far from being a girl! He proves it every day, and will surely prove it again tonight.

- If I give you a chocolate coin, would it be okay?

- I want 10, she bargains.

- I only have 1, he lies, he has the whole stock.

- Okay. Give it to me, she holds out her hand.

- So, what were you talking about?

- It's a secret, she answers.

- Y/N, can you tell me? He insists.

- I want 10 coins then, you tease.

- Oh, I had something else in mind but if coins are enough...

You blush. He is in front of a kid! Well, there is almost no chance she would understand what he is talking about but still...

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