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It's D-day, h-2. Everything is set up, and ready for sale. Your team is ready, all dressed up in your brand's latest suit, wearing your makeup, and perfumed with your new fragrances. Living ads, that's what we want! You allowed them to leave and come back 15 minutes prior to the event, the only person who decided to stay is your little intern. She's nice, but she's a pain in your ass. You tell her A, she understands I.

- Careful with your phone, it's going to burn your hands, she's always on her phone. Youth.

- You have no idea what's going on, she laughs. All my friends are jealous because I'm going to meet Bill Kaulitz!

- Are they? You raise an eyebrow.

Even if you saw how massive he is last night, you still can't believe people want to meet Bill. It's Bill! The guy who used to come to your place to eat for free. It's surreal for you.

- Of course, they are! She seems about to cry or faint or I don't know but she's overwhelmed. He's just the most talented man on Earth! I'd die to be the chair he sits on.

- I wouldn't. He has sharp bones. Well, you don't know exactly about Bill but you remember about his twin.

- How do you know that? She seems suspicious.

- I've known him since we were about this small, you show her a tiny height.

- OH MY GOD! Nice Janice imitation. I mean, I saw he was following you but I thought it was just a marketing thing! Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god...

- Breathe! She looks about to faint. Are you okay?

- You. Know. Bill Kaulitz! O M G! Is he nice? Is he as pretty as on social media? Is it true he has a butt tattoo? Do you know the rest of the group? Oh my god, are you friends with Tokio Hotel? Do you know Tom? Oh my god, oh my god. If you know Tom... I mean, he is so hot! She does herself some hair.

- Wow, you laugh. That was a lot of questions. Hum, what did you start with? I do know Tokio Hotel and yes, I know the bu-Tom. A bit too much actually, you wish you didn't.

- Oh my god, I'm going to cry, her face is funny.

- Wait for them to arrive, you kindly smile. They're coming tonight!

- Oh my- I need to sit, she's all pale.

- Calm down, they're just people, you know.

- They're not people! They're Tokio Hotel!

- Georg can't eat properly and Bill cries when he sees a fly, they are people.

- I can't believe I'm going to meet Tokio Hotel. That's it, you spot a tear.

- Not all of them though, you try to comfort her. Just Bill and Georg, I think.

- What about Tom? Did I mention he is so hot? She smiles, almost in love with the bug.

- Hum, I don't know about it, you quickly answer. But Georg is coming for sure, he texted me like 10 minutes ago asking what he was supposed to wear, you laugh.

- You have Georg Listing's number? She seems shocked.

- I even kissed him once, you wink.

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