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- Next summer, huh? Gustav asks during breakfast.

- No. You cut Tom before he has time to say anything. It was just for the game. But no ceremony before we both have a good job and enough money for catering, you nervously laugh.

Rule n°1 when you got engaged was "no precipitation". And by that, you meant you were okay with being engaged but would definitely wait for a while before getting married. Michelle Yeoh has been engaged for 8 years yet and no sign of a wedding soon! You can break her record. Well, you don't think Tom would let you but if it was a wedding between you and you, you could.

- So next summer after the next summer? Gustav jokes.

- Possibly, yes. Tom replies.

- Possibly? You repeat, with a questioning eyebrow to Tom.

- Yes. You said graduation first, wedding next. Graduation is next year. It gives us a year more to get a good job. Summer 2014 will be our year baby, he says that last sentence like Arnold Schwarzenegger.

- But... Michelle Yeoh? Goodbye sweet dream.

- Michelle who?

- Never mind, you sigh.

You knew getting engaged leads to a wedding. The thing is, you said yes because you were in love with Tom and he made it clear he was in love with you too. You said yes to celebrate your love but the wedding ceremony? No. You have to pick a dress that will be timeless and make all the little girls at your wedding dream; choose a venue you'll love even in 20 years; pick a good playlist and most of all, assume in front of your parents that you love someone and kiss in front of them. Ultimate embarrassment. It's like having a big banner "I'll ride the same dick for the rest of my life, I'm not a virgin anymore". Pretty much the same for pregnancy announcements.

If only weddings could be just a regular party with your friends only, you'd be bride material. But family event? You wish you could hire someone to replace you.

Yes, you want a princess dress and yes, you want everyone to comment on how beautiful you are and pick how your venue will look and everything that makes a wedding magical, but the bad thing about a wedding is the marriage.




- Stop moving, SPF is important! You sermon Tom like a kid, trying to apply SPF on his back.

For your last day in Ibiza, the boys picked sports activities. Early morning, you went abseiling. It was really cool and exciting. You were so afraid to go down, the height paralysing you. But once you did not have the choice anymore and someone forced you to go down, it became such an exciting feeling, not scary at all anymore! The boys mocked you for hours for being a coward, but the truth is: you fought your fear and cowards don't. Then you were able to be part of the mocking side when Georg tried to order some food in Spanish and the waiter had to call someone else because Georg's accent sucked. You'll miss Ibiza food, eating like calories don't exist and pretending eating fries at every lunch is a good diet. Bill went to the toilets and swore he met Candice Swanepoel on the way.

- Guys, I swear I've met Candice Swanepoel on the way to the toilets! Bill says all excited.

- Are you sure it was her? Because the other day you thought the cashier at Lidl was my sister, Gustav jokes.

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