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- I'm going to kill her, Tom repeats.

- Come on, she should be there any minute now, your teeth are chattering, and you're super cold. Can I have a hug? You want Tom to warm you up.

- Back away, you witch! You're going to make me feel bad about how mad I am right now if we hug. That's entirely your fault! You should have told her she had to come by herself.

- Okay, I get your point, chattering teeth. But don't you think now I'm going to make you feel bad about how you let me alone in this cold? You smile like a little demon.

- I can live with that, he avoids eye contact.

- How about I catch the flu, or worse, and I die in our bed because I'm too sick? All this because you refused to hug me, you open your arms for a new try. You don't take no for an answer (in the limit of his boundaries obviously but it's a fucking hug!!!).

- I hate you, his voice breaks a little because he mumbles, which sounds absolutely sexy and you can't take his words seriously. Such a big turn-on...

- Do you want me to give back the ring? You tease him, rushing into his arms.

- No!!! He gives you big shocked eyes, as if you just turned crazier than Donald Trump.

- That's what I thought, you smile and reach his lips for a kiss.




- I thought you'd been kidnapped; Gustav stole your cocktail and is sipping in it.

- I wish, Tom collapses on a chair. Instead, I had to wait for her, he points at Astrid a bit angrily.

- Whose fault was this? She points at you annoyed.

- Okay, my bad... But in the end, we're all here.

More people arrived during your little (who are we kidding? Astrid took a lifetime to arrive!) wait outside. There are curiously as many men as women, which is quite rare in a club. The first groups are already playing and the crowd presses against the stage, as if it was a famous group playing at an important festival.

- We're playing around 11:40, Bill shows the setlist.

- Devilish? You notice the name.

- We have to come up with a better one, we know.

- What are you disguised as? Bill asks Astrid.

- My queen Sarah Michelle Gellar in I know what you did last summer.

- You're completely off-theme, Gustav remarks.

- Shut up Plague Boy. None of you are in the theme. None of them either, she points at the crowd just when Pink Bunny walks near your table.

- But SMG, seriously Astrid?

- You said no last year, now I'm my own chief, she smiles proudly. She's the queen of Halloween, come on! She defends her costume.

- If you say so, Bill sniggers.

- Come on, Buffy? Scooby-Doo?

- I like Scooby-Doo, Tom comments, looking at you.

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