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You're watching your reflection in the mirror. You love this shirt on you! It makes your boobs look good and the colour compliments your skin tone. You add a bit of mascara and check yourself out again. You send a message to Anna to inform her you're ready and ask her where she wants to meet. You go to the living room waiting for her reply. The boys were on the sofa playing PlayStation. When you arrive, Georg totally checks you out.

- Hey boy! Eyes up here. You say gesturing the eye movement with your hand.

You smile and get delighted; the shirt is doing its job. You're so gonna pull someone tonight! Or maybe even Georg? He's kind of cute to be honest.

- Where are you going?

- Just for a drink with a girl I met in school.

- Is she pretty? Can I come? Gustav asks, trying to make a joke but you can sense he was a bit serious.

- I'm jealous of her and I don't know. I can ask her if you want? Do you want to come too? You offer to Georg.

He nods his head yes and you send a text to Anna. She replies quite rapidly saying it's a great idea for the boys to come, so she can meet new people too! You inform the boys they can come and they immediately stop the game to leave with you. It makes you laugh.

- And I was like "Is that what you want to show to your kids? Beating a woman because a dog barked at you?".

We were all pretty shocked by Anna's story. This girl is bold. She fought a grown-up man in the street because he was beating a homeless person's dog. I would have so changed the sidewalk and try not to catch attention.

We got stopped during her story by 2 people joining us. I recognize Tom from this morning and I guess the one next to him is Bill. He has long dark hair with white highlights. You are not sure because of the dark lightning but it looks like he has tiny dreads. He wears heavy makeup around his eyes. He says hello to everyone and introduces himself. You were right, it's Bill. He's sitting between you and Gustav while Tom went to get some drinks.

You get to know each other, talking about high school and uni. He's very outgoing and includes everybody in the conversation.

At some point, you guys decided to play a drinking game, to spice up the night. As you don't really know each other, you decided to go for a Never Have I Ever so you could learn a bit about everybody's mess. You got surprised when the boys revealed they were part of a band, and especially more when you discovered Tom is playing guitar. Aren't guitarists supposed to be sensible people? Or is it just a cliché? Throughout the night, you couldn't help but notice Tom was very friendly with everyone but you and Anna. It's like he has two personalities, one for boys and one for girls. But the worst was when he started to hit on Anna after a few drinks but still avoided talking to you or being as unpleasant as possible.

It's now been a week since the you arrived in uni. You can see a routine settle, and you love it. You usually get breakfast with Gustav while Georg always wakes up last minute. Then you go to classes, meet Tom and Bill at the same spot. The boys act like kids, Bill is always cheerful and Tom ignores you. Then you head to class with Bill as you're in the same major, join Anna. And when the day is over, you go to a café with Anna and Bill to work on your papers. When everybody is bored (aka pretty quickly), you join the boys in a pub and then go home. This is your uni life and you have so much fun!

You're at the café with Bill, Anna went job seeking and you seriously consider doing the same one day or another.

- Do you want to come to our birthday party? Bill asks.

- Sure! When is it?

- Next Saturday. There will be all our high school friends and people from life.

- What do you mean by "our"?

- Oh, didn't we tell you? I thought it was obvious. Me and Tom.

- Like, you guys are friends and born on the same day? You nervously ask, the pattern looks a bit too familiar.

- We're not friends! I mean, yes, we are, he is my best friend but we're twins first.

You freeze. Bill. Tom. Twins. Born at the beginning of the school year. What are the odds of you meeting 4 people like this in your life? You start to panic. None of them look like the memories you have from kindergarten. Tom was nice, not a complete jerk and Bill would have recognized you for sure. Or would he? It was more than 15 years ago, you also completely forgot about them until the other day.

- Bill, I have to ask you something... You say nervously.

- Sure honey, tell me.

- Did you happen to be in Charlemagne* school when you were like, 4?

- Uh, I don't really remember... Tom would know for sure but we got kicked out of so many schools I don't recall all of them. You should ask him.

- Yes sure! He has been so nice to me I want to ask a stupid question to him; you sigh sarcastically.

- Okay, he is an asshole lately with you but I swear he usually acts like a puppy. He just takes time before trusting someone, I'm sure you guys are gonna be besties someday, he winks at you.

You take a sip of your drink and ask Bill about his school's journey; you are curious why they got kicked out of school. You guys have a laugh with all the stupid reasons he lists and you come back home, your paper not even started yet.

*He was a "German" emperor back in 800 AC

Hey, I'm sorry there will be only one chapter today as someone in my family died. Please tell me what you're thinking of the chapter? <3

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