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Bill has been mad at you and Tom for a week now. After the wedding, he told everyone he doesn't want to be in the same room as any of you. It's only fair at night or in a bedroom, but on a regular basis he could at least talk to you. You can feel Tom is very bothered by this situation, his relationship with Bill is what matters the most to him.

You didn't really had time to take care of it, you took a summer job and use your free time to be with Tom. But today is going to change, Tom is in an awful mood, you have to help him! You invited Georg and Gustav at your lunch break to talk about it.

- Don't worry, they argue all the time.

- I know that, but this is not an argument! Bill completely ignores Tom.

- Yes, and we really wonder why, Georg smirks

You blush a bit. Okay, that's kind of your fault but you thought it would just be an awkward moment and all of you would move on!

- Georg, shut up, you attack. Do you think there is anything I could do to help them?

- No, stay in your lane and they'll grow out of it, Gustav advises you.

This is not the response you wanted to hear. You wanted them to have hundreds of ideas how to make things better. They stayed with you until the end of your break, and left when your boss yelled to take your tray or he'd fire you.



This has been an interesting day at work. Apparently, there is some kind of rock event in town. There were plenty of musicians and many other music-related jobs on your terrace. You had a talk with one of them:

- Your makeup is spot on! You complimented the man, wearing a full-face ghost makeup.

- Thank you! I am trying to impress the producers, he winked at you.

- Producers?

- Yes! I'm going to RockFest Deutschland. Anybody has the opportunity to record a single during the event and if the producers like it, they might sign a contract! He explained all excited.

- How long is the event?

- 2 weeks! They want to have the time to find Germany's next superstar.

This little conversation rang a bell for you. You reminded Gustav told you they had a group in high school, Tom sometimes plays the guitar for you and you've heard Bill singing in the shower a thousand times. You've got to talk about it to Georg and Gustav tonight!




- No way! That would be awesome! Gustav jumps everywhere in the living room.

- Yes, that's what I thought too! Do you think the twins would like it too?

- Definitely!

- Wait a minute. Is it your plan to make them talk again?

- Yes and no, you smile, it just happens to be a coincidence!

You can literally hear the both of them rolling their eyes.

- What? Don't you think it would be great for you? Doing something just the 4 of you, like before? You suggest

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