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You have been hiding the secret for a month now. You feel like Gustav knows something is going on; Georg is in his own world since Astrid "dumped" him and Astrid, well, she is obsessed with a new guy. You argued with her about it, because every time new guy ignores her, she comes back to Georg, 100% using him.

Finals are next week and then it's the summer holiday. You can't believe how fast this year went by. It felt like only yesterday you were starting your 2nd year and now you're about to end it! In pretty much the same time-lapse, you'd be over with your studies! It's crazy...

It's your very last lecture of the semester, meaning it's the last time you'll see Astrid until September. She is going to do volunteer work in an orphanage in Egypt. You admire it. You'd like to do more volunteering too, but the thing is, you don't like working for free. But Astrid's parents are rich and pay for everything for her, so she can afford to volunteer on another continent.

You and Tom planned on announcing your engagement to the boys when you'll be in Ibiza. You can't believe they took your joke seriously and you are really going there! But you don't want Astrid to be the last one to know, she's your best friend, even if she can be a real bitch to Georg!

So today is Wedding Reveal Day, forget about gender reveals. You brought the ring with you, all excited about finally being able to wear it in public! Your heart breaks every morning when you pick your jewellery and you can't wear the one you'd like to wear the most. But secret time is almost over!

- I'm so happy Mr Weeler is retiring! He is the most boring prof ever! Astrid looks overjoyed, waiting for Mr Weeler to arrive at the lecture.

- Come on! He has been sick for a year! Of course, he is a bit slow now! You like Mr Weeler, he is always nice to you.

- Oh! Oh! Look, Astrid points at something with her eyes in a gossipy tone.

- What? You follow her gaze, ready to spill some tea.

- See her? That's Martha. You didn't hear it from me but she is preggo.

- Is she? You raise an eyebrow. She looks absolutely normal, with no bump at all.

- Yep. Her boyfriend said he did not want the baby; you don't know how Astrid knows all this.

- Really? That's horrible for her. But relatable.

- I'm not over! She decided to keep the baby anyway. So her boyfriend dumped her by SMS!

- Nooo, poor her, you cover your mouth.

- And I have worse! She looks all excited. Her ex came back in her life and guess what?

- What? You whisper, waiting for more.

- He proposed! She says a bit too loud, people looking at her.

- NO WAY! Her ex? Why would he do that?

- And she said yes! She opens her eyes as big as she can.

- She is going to marry her ex? Poor thing.

- Yes, she said she knew her love was stronger than anything else. How stupid! Astrid criticizes. Imagine being knocked up and engaged at 21! You have to be really stupid to ruin your life like this, she laughs.

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