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. July 29th


- What does she like?

- Wrong question. You have to think is what would annoy her parents more? Bill smirks.

Gustav invited you for another barbecue, and you're definitely not missing the chance to spoil Gustava. Who can help you better than the king of spoiling? But apparently, the king of spoiling is actually the king of annoyance. You already knew that, but it adds to his list of hits.

- Just like this wonderful ride on car? The horn melody is already haunting you. Almost as bad as Disney's "It's a Small World".

- You're a fast learner, but 6 months too late. It was amazing! They let her use it for less than 5 hours. It's my personal best! Bill laughs.

- How about a drum?

- Are you serious? Gustav is a drummer.

- Zhu zhu pets? It makes a lot of noise, you give your last shot.

- Gave her tons of them already.

- Bill, why are you destroying my dreams of being a great aunt?

- Because I'm a better uncle!

- Is that a contest? Because be ready to lose your place.

- Could be a contest, Bill slightly loses his smile, but number 1 is Georg. None of us stand a chance.

- I remember Gustava running to Tom, not Georg, you point.

- But Georg is the only one she turns to for bottle time.

- What about a Rapunzel dress? You look for the perfect gift again.




- And if you click here, it sings, you proudly smile at Gustava.

- Thank you, it was so not sincere from Linda.

Bill was right. The best part about spoiling a kid is seeing the fear in the parents' eyes. You've been kind enough, you only took a singing dress and necklace. Plus, Rapunzel's song is a blast! It's such a blast that Gustava is already clicking on the necklace to make it sing.

- Y/N 1; Bill 0, the best uncle contest starts.

- Wait until she sees my gift, Bill whispers.

- Another gift? Linda seems desperate.

- Of course! Something to enhance her creativity. Even you are afraid. Washable wall felt pens! Bill takes a huge set of pens out of his bag.

Okay. He did well. Too well. Washable wall pens? These things are definitely not washable... And even if they are, you're not sure the kid will make a difference with the regular pens. Gustav's walls won't stay white for long. Good job Bill.

- Did I hurt you? Linda seems offended.

- Asked him the pretty same things earlier today, you laugh. I think he just hates us all.

- I hate you for leaving, Bill points at you, and I hate you for creating such a cute princess because mine can't be cuter, he points at Linda.

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