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- Your dad is so cool!

- I know, right!

You are leaving your dad's place. He instantly recognized Tom, saying a father does not forget his daughter's first love. You felt like both your parents teamed up to make you embarrassed in front of Tom. As usual, Tom looked super proud of himself. He always looks proud when someone tells him you were in love with him. You genuinely wonder how he felt about you back in the days... Just so you could embarrass him too someday.

Your dad did his usual Christmas ritual: Mc Donald's and watching Anastasia on a hacked DVD. This year was special, Tom said he had never watched this movie before so it was his first time! He was super shocked when Anastasia decided (sorry spoiler but guys it has been 25 years!) to deny her Royal titles to stay with Dimitri. He said nobody would ever be that dumb, especially for Dimitri and you thought you would definitely renounce to Royal titles too, especially for Dimitri. This love-hate relationship makes you jealous, even if you consider your relationship with Tom perfect. You then watched The Little Mermaid, which remind you of your little game in the pool last year. Tom smirked all the movie, and you know he thought of it too. You were treated like a princess on the sofa. Your head was laying on Tom's lap and he was petting your head while your dad petted your legs, just like when you were a little girl.

- I'm so exhausted, you tell him.

- I can tell, you've got to find a better concealer, he laughs.

You roll your eyes and suddenly remember you can't buy a new one because you have to offer Tom a gift. You have a few ideas for your anniversary day: tissues, but an exotic sent; new t-shirts, because your wardrobe looks empty and you want to borrow his clothes; a playlist of all the songs that sounds like him or a striptease, but last time you did one ended up quite bad...

But you still have 2 days to think about it.




Astrid's family is... special. You said you would accompany her to her family reunion, and so here you are! There are so many people you couldn't even be introduced to all of them, plus most of them didn't recognize Astrid. She says she only see them once a year, by politeness, and half of the attendees don't acknowledge her presence, but she seems quite happy about it.

- In about 10 seconds, he is going to make a bad joke, she sighs pointing at a fat old man.

- What is a lesbian's most outstanding achievement? Preventing feminists from breeding; the said old man shouts. (I found this "joke" on a website; please don't think I came up with this)

What you think is the most unbelievable is that everybody laughed. Even women. You exchange a look with Astrid and understand why she wanted support. You thought your mom's family was terrible, well this is an all-other level of terrible. Tom would despise them too, you hope. Speaking of him, you remember your little gift problem. You have thought about it a lot and come up with something that surprised you. Surprise in a way that 4 months ago you completely freaked out about it but now it feels obvious.

- Did I tell you Tom is organizing our anniversary?

- Already? I thought you started dating on your birthday? She is as surprised as you were.

- That's exactly what I told him! But we kissed for the first time on New Year's Eve vacation so I guess that's what we celebrate. You smile.

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