I LOVED YOU - part 6

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. Disclaimer: This chapter talks about abortion. If you are against it (which is your right), I ask you to skip this chapter or not comment about it. Thank you <3


- Y/N has finally seen the wolf! Tina cheers you.

- It was terrible, you made a funny face.

- I don't recall it being so bad, Mary laughed.

- Not everybody has sex at 15, Jane mocked her.

Y/N was the last one of her friend group to do it. Some would say 18 is quite late while others think teen sex is a sin. For Y/N, it was just the right time. She knew she'd remember her first time forever, she wanted it to be perfect, even if everybody around her was pressuring her to do the deed. Y/N didn't care about the next times, relationships or hookups, but the first one had to be worth it, no matter how long she had to wait. And it finally happened.

It was with Alex, her math TA. All year long, she thought he was looking handsome and had a thing for him. She dated him a few times and she felt very good with him. He made her feel sexy and confident, and it's all that mattered.

- Are you waiting for the apocalypse or are you going to tell us? Mary played with her eyebrows.

- I repeat, it was terrible. You laughed.

- He was too small?

- Or too big?

- None of that, you did a hand gesture, chasing away an invisible fly. It was just... Very awkward.

- Ah, yes... The shyness of the first time, Mary teased you. No worries, you'll soon be a whore, she winked.

- Not everybody is a nympho like you, Tina joked.

- Shh, Jane interrupted them. I want to hear Y/N's story. How did it happen?

- I don't really know... He was just helping me to understand logarithms and our eyes crossed and the next thing I knew, I was having sex! Another funny face.

- Nice and everything but give us details!

- Hum... He started by kissing me.

- That's a start, go on!

- We kissed for a while, maybe 5 minutes? Then he took me to the bed and made me sit on top of him. And he took off my shirt and bra and he was caressing my back.

- I'm still shocked you let him touch you. I can't even hug you with you getting all tensed, Jane laughed.

- Have you seen how hot he is?

- Hotter than the sun! Mary confirmed.

- But yes, I was so stressed. I was all shaking so he stopped and asked me if I really wanted to do it. Which I said yes to, obviously. And I was feeling him getting hard under me, it was so weird! You're going to get wrinkles if you do that funny face one more time.

- I know... Men's dicks are ugly and weird, Tina agrees.

- So then he undressed me and I undressed him, I pass the details.

- No! We want all the details for our nun's first time, Mary winked.

- Okay... Hum, so there was this pretty awkward moment when we both were naked but I had no idea what to do and he was expecting me to do something. I had no idea fellatios are that common, it's so gross! Imagine putting a dick in your mouth... Eww.

- It's like a lollipop, you know.

- Stop paraphrasing 50cent.

- It really doesn't taste like a lollipop, you comment.

- Because you did it? Jane seemed shocked.

- I had no idea what to do!!! But he stopped me after a while. Something about teeth... As if I could take my teeth out of my mouth!

- Oh boy, Mary laughed.

- So yeah... He stopped me and started to caress me. But I felt very weird about it! A man was touching me, that's gross!

- I can already tell this Alex isn't a sex god, Tina joked. You wouldn't have had the time to think it was gross if he was good.

- No, I swear! Do you guys realize we're peeing with that part of our body?

- Showers exist! What happened next? Did you let him do more?

- Jane, if I didn't, we wouldn't be talking about it, you reminded her. After that, we tried to put on a condom but I don't know what was wrong, it never worked. So we tried another time and –

- Please, don't tell me you did it unprotected; Jane had a worried face.

- Condoms were not working! I couldn't go back!

- You could have said no.

- And be a virgin all my life?

- I thought you didn't care about being one, Jane remarked.

- And it's still true! But it was happening...

- What if you're pregnant? Have you thought about it?

Pregnancy? You wouldn't say it's a joke but about 94 600 women in Germany abort every year, it's no big deal... You didn't want to be pregnant, obviously, but it was not scaring you that much. You knew you could end your pregnancy easily; it would only be cells. You wouldn't even talk to Alex about it, he wouldn't need to know. It's not like you can possibly think of having a child at 18!

- If I'm pregnant? We have this wonderful right called abortion, you smiled.

- You're crazy, Tina laughed.

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