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- Morning sunshine, Tom's sweet voice wakes you up.

- Hello, you give him a broad smile.

- I made you pancakes; he approaches his lips to kiss you.

- You're the sweetest; you kiss his cheek.

You feel like Sleeping Beauty when she wakes up; kissed by the man you saw once upon a dream. She smiles, you smile. It's a good wake-up. It's peaceful. You deserve to wake up like this every single day.

Tom brought you the pancakes on a silver plate you didn't even know you owned. They look absolutely delicious, all fluffy. He took the time to put whipped cream in a bowl, looking just like a tiny cloud. He also brought you butter and chocolate. He prepared your morning drink exactly the way you like it, and it's accompanied by a cute dandelion he may have found in the street. He's the sweetest.

- Thank you, hun, you thank him as he carefully put the plate on your lap.

- Ready for this day? He heads to the bottom of the bed.

- A bit stressed but it should be okay, you swallow your first bite.

Tom must have been a cook in another life! Usually, fluffy pancakes don't taste as good as messed-up ones, but Tom's pancakes do! Your tongue is going up to heaven.

- You're going to be awesome; I know it, he starts rubbing your feet.

- It tastes amazing, you smile at Tom.

- You're welcome, babe, he is not rubbing your feet anymore.

You don't think he ever did. He gently massages them. You got breakfast in bed and a massage in the same morning? You must have been a martyr in another life to deserve this.

- Hun, you move your toes. You hope he gets it means thank you.

- I love you; he kisses your ankles.




You're watching your reflection. You're facing a real dilemma. You're about to do something you're so not used to anymore. Something that defines your morning routine, and helps you feel confident in front of the world. But seeing your reflection makes you want to skip it. Your lashes are long, full and so dark, making your eyes pop more than usual. It looks like you're already wearing eyeshadow, almost like contouring. It's like a no-makeup makeup. Your skin is glowing, and looks textureless for once. For the first time in forever, you are sure makeup won't make you look prettier. You already look your best naturally. Isn't it a blessing? Seems like having your first real job enhances your features.

- You've been quick, Tom prepared your shoes next to the door.

- Didn't need makeup! It's a day to mark in a calendar, you joke.

- You never need makeup, you always look beautiful, he pokes your nose.




- Hello! My name is Y/N! You greet your new co-worker.

She is smiling and looks very open. You can already tell you're going to be very good friends.

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