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- How was London? Georg mugs you as soon as you step into the car.

- So good, Tom and his dark circles reply.

You're just like him. You slept in the plane and are planning to sleep again on the ride home.

Tom had a wonderful idea, he wanted to try every single club in your area and by area he meant less than 15 minutes of underground. British parties start pretty early, so you went to a pub at 7. It was the first time you went to a pub with Tom, just him and you. It was weird. The music was too loud to talk but nobody was dancing, just trying to chat, so you just sat there silently, waiting for Tom to finish his pint. This experience is a 4/10, and the four points are attributed because Tom was there.

After the pub, you went to a dance bar to get in the mood. You were very shocked when you saw the prices, the "getting wasted" plan was reduced to ashes super quickly, but the drinks tasted fabulous so your wallet felt a bit better. Tom, for once, tried something new and unusual. He is easier to convince when it comes to drinks, and he really liked it! You danced a bit but you were really missing Astrid here. She is the life of a party, and Tom mostly sits or moves his shoulders when in a bar.

Then you moved to a strip club, you both wanted to see what it was like. Spoiler alert: it's very expensive. You really enjoyed that time, you felt like you really bonded with Tom and you even paid him a lap dance. His face was priceless! You spend a little hour in this club, and all you did was criticise the dancers' asses, or comment about how long their legs were. It's a fun activity to do with your fiancé. But hey, even you were turned on by those girls! You couldn't stay here forever or the fun would turn into jealousy.

At 11, you moved to the first club of the night. You spent more time queuing for the lockers than dancing, but it was a cool club. The second club you've been to was full of dogs, and you even managed to get one of those horny men to pay a drink for Tom in exchange for a threesome.

It's a funny memory. That guy was trying to flirt with you, and he had a HUGE squinting. Poor guy thought your boobs were your eyes, he really needs glasses. He was also blind, as Tom's hand was clearly on your hip, but that's another matter. That guy was trying to seduce you, take you to the toilets for "10 minutes of paradise" aka 1 minute not feeling anything, and he was trying to buy your love with a glass of vodka red bull. Project getting wasted was still on, and Tom made a bet about how many free drinks you could get, so you OBVIOUSLY said yes for the drink. And you felt like pushing it.

- Wanna know something? You looked at the weirdo underneath your lashes, trying to look sexy.

- Tell me, my beauty. Gosh, his breath stank.

- My dear, dear friend is here with me, and she wants to have fun too, you winked. Notice how you avoided to tell him the she was a he? My friend and I are very close, so close, you talked like whores in movies. Everything for a free drink and a bet.

- Close how? Ew, he was drooling.

- Sometimes, she helps me when I don't have any men, you touched your lips and you felt Tom's hand pressing harder on your hip.

- Where is your friend?

- Somewhere dancing, you tried to be hypnotizing. You know, doe-eyes, I promised her I would get her a drink. She loves whisky. She always gets so excited, important choice of word here.

- Excited how?

- So much she might jump on me, or on you. Who knows? You sometimes disgust yourself. But free drinks; and Tom is not stopping you.

And that's when the guy ordered a whisky for your "horny friend". You told him you'd bring the glass to her and he should wait for you by the toilets, and as soon as he stopped watching you, you started to run with Tom, laughing like hyenas. You sometimes wonder if you're 22 or 15.

You went to the 3rd club, probably your favourite. The music was exactly like your playlist at home, and obviously, Tom rolled his eyes each time you said "Aaaaah, I love that song!". You spent at least 2 hours in this club, before moving to the 4th and last club. You stayed until the security turned the lights on and you could see all the alcohol stains on Tom's shirt, and he laughed at you for your panda eyes.

The way back to the hotel was hard. Hard because you had to find your fucking way in the fucking London underground, and seeing everything twice wasn't really helpful. Slow, because the corridors are longer than my life expectancy and it was impossible for you to walk straight or not laugh at something like a leaf.

But once you reached your bed, oh dear god... You don't even remember taking your clothes off, you were already sleeping. The bed felt like cotton candy under your exhausted body. It was just perfect.

- Had fun? Georg wants to talk. Why??? What did you do to deserve that?

- It was cool. Your eyes are closed.

- What did you do?

- We've been to Kensington and Buckingham Palaces. And we had to queue for 4 hours to see the fireworks, Tom gives you a dark stare.

You absolutely wanted to see the real fireworks, not something on-screen somewhere else in the city. But Westminster Bridge is not super big and lots of people want to be there too. You've read somewhere on the internet you should arrive really early if you want to see the fireworks from the bridge, so you thought 4 hours were good. Okay, it was a reallyyyyyy long wait and you were fucking cold and Tom's lips were blue and you couldn't feel your toes anymore, but it was so worth it! This moment is definitely in your top 10 of favourite moments ever.

Being on London Eye is also a new top 10. You never realized Tom is scared of heights. It was the best 30 minutes of your life, with him closing his eyes each time the wheel was moving, sometimes whining. There was a 7-years-old more courageous than him in the booth with you. At least it gave you a great excuse to hold his hand; not the kid's, Tom's.

- London Eye too. You add.

- Yes, that too, Tom grins. He didn't really like it.

- Cool. Finally, dear silence.

You have at least one hour to sleep now, better get yourself comfortable.

You have the best pillow sitting next to you: Tom's shoulder. But apparently, the pillow has decided you are the pillow. He is moving faster than you, his head already on your knees. You can even swear he was about to suck his thumb; poor boy is exhausted.

- Shouldn't I be the one sleeping on your legs? You whisper to him. Chivalry.

- Business class, he closes his eyes.

- 'Kay, best argument.

His cheek is calling you. You know it is your destiny to rub your thumb against his cheek and watch him fall asleep. Your heart is doing that weird thing again, the happy thing...

It was a hell of a week. You've worked, fallen in love, argued, fallen in love again and had to go back to work. You loved every single minute in London, even when you were stuck in Victoria Station.

And you know you will love every single moment of tomorrow too, expect when Tom will fart under the blanket.

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