I LOVED YOU - Part 2

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It was the middle of August. Y/N was playing in the pool, alone. She could hear her neighbours screaming and having fun with friends in their own pool. She was a bit jealous of that.

The only people she has been playing with this summer were Vanessa and Polly, her two dolls. She has been waiting the whole summer for her mom to tell her Tom and Bill's mom called and she was invited at their place. But it never happened.

Her dad always came home pretty late, and did not have time to play with her. Her mom was always worried about her dad coming home late, so she never enjoyed playing with Y/N.

She heard another laughter from the pool next door and she felt even more sad. She does not need these people in her life, but she expected Tom and Bill to call. At least once. Go to the park and play on the swings.

They were always playing at least one game at each break with her. How could they forget about her? She was now sure they forgot about her. Otherwise, they would have called.

Another loud laugh from the street. But this time it was different. The voice was different and it did not come from the neighbours.

Y/N never knew about this, but it was actually the twins coming over at her place with bikes. Y/N's mom did not let them in, as their mom has no idea where her sons were and texted her about it.

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