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Some activities happening in this chapter are completely made up. Well, they do exist but not in the Cinque Terre. Just a point for people loving accuracy (I do, you have no idea how much time I spend on the Internet for this story haha).



- My feet hurt so much; you're whining. Can you carry me on your back?

- No babe. It was your idea; you bear the consequences. He grumbles.

Yeah, what a great idea! I mean, it was great, just not the execution... You decided to go visit the five villages of the Cinque Terre. All the landscapes are very picturesque and full of history. You dragged Tom into every single medieval building you found on your way: churches, shops, restaurants and streets. You have been walking for hours! It is totally worth it, but if someone could carry you on their back and you'd stop walking, it would be better!

You are taking couple pictures in front of the statue of Saint Francis of Assisi in Monterosso.

- I can't wait 'till they invent a phone where you can see your screen when taking selfies! You complain. None of your pictures look good.

- And filters! Tom adds.

- Filters? You already look perfect?!

- I know, but I would love to know what I'd look like if I were a zombie or things like that...

- You're stupid, you know that?

He rolls his eyes.

- Maybe we should ask someone to take our picture?

- Yes. See you can be intelligent, you tease him.

You start looking around and spot Them. Luca and Francesca.

- Look honey, there are Francesca and Luca, Tom informs you all excited as if you didn't have eyes to see by yourself. FRAN! LUCA! He calls them.

Why does he want to see them so much? What did you do to the universe for it to place Francesca on your way? Well, you know what you did, let's be honest. But it was completely different! Francesca will disappear from your life in 2 days, why is Tom so interested? Or is he? Maybe you're just jealous of her abs that are definitely not contouring...

- Tom, she says in a honeyed voice, coming towards us to touch his shoulder.

Get your dirty hand off my man. You look at Luca, he doesn't care. As if she was not obviously flirting with him! Or are you paranoid?

- Y/N, she hugs you. You hug her back, hypocritically.

- Can you take some pictures of us? Tom hands his phone.

- Sure!

Tom takes your hand and leads you in front of the statue again. He grabs your waist and places himself a bit behind your back, pulling you close to him.

- Are you from Tennessee? Cause you're the only ten I see, he whispers in your ear while posing.

It just makes you laugh. It was the stupidest joke you've ever heard, yet it's exactly what you needed to hear right now. He is a mind reader, except during football games!

- This is so cute, Francesca comments. I think I got some good ones! Do you want to try another pose?

You don't really have the time to think about it. Tom has already moved and squats in front of you, facing Francesca.

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