I LOVED YOU - part 3

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Y/N was ready for the birthday party. She can't wait to be at Tom and Bill's! They are going to have so much fun! A magician is coming after the cake. This is so exciting!

Y/N is waiting for her dad to bring her to the party. He is fighting with her mom, something about Vanessa. Y/N doesn't understand why her Barbie doll makes her parents angry.

Finally, her dad takes the car keys and they leave the house.

On the way to Bill and Tom's, there were blue balloons with arrows pointing at their place. Y/N thought it was so cool!

In front of the house, there were 20 balloons with a big sign "TOM & BILL 6TH". Y/N wants the same sign for her birthday.

Her dad took her out of the car and knocked on the door. Y/N could hear laughter from inside. She was so excited about this!

The twins' mom opened the door and Y/N's dad dropped her off. Inside, it was smelling sugar. There were plenty of sweets on the table and a huge birthday cake in the kitchen. The living room was decorated with Power Rangers napkins and plates.

The kids were already playing outside. There were 7 guests at the moment. The twins' mom told Y/N to go play with them in the garden. Y/N stepped outside and someone immediately shouts:

- Look! It's peed-her-pants!

Some kids start laughing and Y/N feels like crying. She already wants to go back home. Bill looks kind of ashamed but something lightened up in Tom's eyes

- Oh! You've seen your reflection then, Tom replies.

- I do not pee my pants, the kid answers

- Yes, you do! You still have my favourite trousers at home by the way. Tom continues.

The kid blushes and stops replying.

- Anybody has a problem with Y/N? Tom asks.

Nobody answers and Bill comes to your side. Tom takes a look at everyone and then runs to the soccer ball to play again.




"Happy Birthday to you", all the guests sing for the boys. They are wearing paper crowns their mom made up. They blow the candles and everybody claps their hands.

Once everyone is done eating the cake and the presents are open (Bill was super happy to receive his first plane), their mom tells everyone to go back to the garden for the magician.

He is a very tall man that talks and laughs very loudly. Y/N is a bit afraid of him. Bill and Tom are sitting in the front and the other kids are kind of a mess behind them.

The magician shows his best tricks and asks the twins to join him. The magician has a guillotine for hands out. The twins go one by one putting their hands, and when the lame goes down, their hands don't get cut out of their body! Y/N is really intrigued about it and thinks the man is a witch. The magician asks if somebody else volunteers to lose their hands and Y/N raises her hand, as well as the other kids. She got picked and joins the magician. He tells her to put her hand on a specific way. She does so but a click from a camera scared her and she moves a bit. When the lame goes down, it cuts a bit of her skin because of it. She bleeds a bit, but for kids bleeding is like the end of the world. So everybody starts to panic. Luckily, it was just a tiny cut and it was repaired with a minute.

At around 5:30, Y/N's dad come pick her up and she leaves the birthday party. Before leaving, she gave Tom a kiss on the cheek and Bill a hug.



I think this chapter is so cute <3

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